Jair Bolsonaro lost the last election by two percentage points.
Brazil’s Supreme Electoral Court (TSE) has rejected a request by Jair Bolsonaro’s far-right party to annul the results of the recent presidential election.
Outgoing President Bolsonaro’s party had some votes contested on election day in October, narrowly losing the presidency to leftist Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.
The Liberal Party had asked the Electoral Tribunal to reject the votes of some organs, which confirms this risk during the second round.
But the President of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, Alexandre de Morais, declared that Hizb ut-Tahrir’s complaint was “contrary to democratic norms” and that it sought to “encourage criminal and anti-democratic movements”.
The court added thatThe lawsuit was filed in “bad faith” and fined the party 22.9 million riyals ($4.3 million)..
Bolsonaro’s match was better than expected in the first round. In the second round, however, Lula secured a victory with 50.9% of the vote against Bolsonaro’s 49.1%, a result that was ratified by the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE),
Although no evidence was presented, the Liberal Party’s claim centered around this to 280,000 voting machines which were models manufactured before 2020. Bolsonaro had said on previous occasions that Brazil’s electronic voting system was not fraud-proof.
Although Bolsonaro did not admit defeat, he gave the go-ahead for the transfer of power. Since losing the election on Oct. 30, he has kept a low profile.
grilling machines
Bolsonaro’s Liberal Party (PL) has hired a consulting firm that discovered the existence of electronic ballot boxes before 2020 Do not create log files with individual namesso it would be impossible to associate a specific log file with a specific jar.
Log files contain a kind of “biography” of each ballot box, with data on how many times it was turned on, off, and when programs were entered. This file is important because it will record any attempt to access the ballot box infrequently.
image source, Getty Images
The Liberal Party’s lawsuit alleges that electronic ballot boxes manufactured before 2020 were unsuitable.
According to PL, only files created by ballot boxes manufactured after 2020 can be considered suitable, and if only votes from these ballot boxes are counted, Bolsonaro will be the winner with “51.05% of valid votes, against 48,955 for Lula.”
However, several experts consulted by BBC Brazil confirmed this The alleged failures indicated by the PL will not harm the results.
The investigator Marcos Simplício, professor of Ingenieria Informática of the Escuela Politécnica of the Universidad of Sao Paulo, confirmed that aunque los archivos of registro of urnas fabricadas antes de 2020 generan nombres similares, bastaría con abrirlos paracion encontrar la informa precisa para identificar a que urna Belongs to.
“Anyone with access to the Internet can do this,” the expert said.
Another expert, Diego de Freitas Arana, professor of computer science at Aarhus University in Denmark, who has examined voting machines used in Brazil, noted that The sounds are not in the log files.
“The most important data, which is the voices, is not in the log files. It is in other files. There was no mention of an alleged irregularity in relation to this data,” the professor explained.
Lula’s victory in the second round was certified by the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE).
ordering difficulties
The specialists consulted by the BBC indicated that there were also errors in the report submitted by Hizb ut-Tahrir to request the invalidation of the vote.
On the other hand, the report was based on faulty technical assumptions about the security of ballot boxes and There is noba There is no evidence of fraud It would have benefited the president-elect, Lula.
Diego Arana explained that the crowd’s request only mentioned irregularities in the results of the second round, but the same machines were used in the first round.
If the bug found by PL is really serious, It is normal for him to ask for the first round to be canceled as well, not just the second. This is bound to happen because the disputed ballot boxes made before 2020 were also used in the first round.”
Marcos Simplicio added that canceling votes in both rounds would not only have an impact on the presidential election, but “for All fees disputedas representatives, senators, state and federal governors.”
image source, Reuters
After learning of the results, Bolsonaro’s supporters turned out in droves to protest.
Immediately after Lola was declared the winner, she multiplied Truck drivers who support Bolsonaro blocked roads and clashed with police. But Bolsonaro later told them that the blockade was not part of the “legitimate” protests.
Some of his supporters continued to demonstrate in front of the military barracks, urging the military to intervene to prevent Lula’s seizure of power.
Bolsonaro’s presidential term ends with Lula’s inauguration on January 1.
Lula, who was Brazil’s president between 2003 and 2010, is 77 years old and will become the oldest person to hold the office.
Like a victory for Lula, a resounding political comebackBearing in mind that his candidacy for the 2018 elections was not possible because he was in prison and banned from all public office.
He was convicted of taking bribes from a Brazilian construction company in return for facilitating contracts with state oil company Petrobras. His conviction was later overturned.
Bolsonaro, a former army captain, has drawn much of his support from evangelical Christians and other conservative sectors who have advocated protecting family values. However, his government also saw accelerated deforestation in the Amazon region and rising inequality.
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