East Africa News Post

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Biscayan physician Iaki Martin, laureate of the Academy of Medicine

The Royal National Academy of Medicine of Spain (RANME) awarded the Doctor of Biscay Inaki Martin Lesende the prize “General Medicine / Family Physician 2021”, informs the University of the Basque Country, where he teaches classes.

This is one of 23 awards that RANME gives annually through its foundation, “in order to publicly recognize the work, dedication, work and path of Spanish medical professionals”.

Martin Lesinde He will receive the award in Madrid on January 11, 2022.

Iñaki Martin Lisende (Erandio, 1962) considers this recognition For me it is a prize for balance.Since his 34-year career, he has juggled his clinical care work in various fields of work, research and teaching.

He is a professor in the UPV/EHU Department of Medicine in Basurto teaching unit, a primary care physician in Indautxu Health Center (OSI Bilbao-Basurto) and member of the Research Group on Comprehensive Care for People with Chronic Diseases in Biocruces Bizkaia Institute for Health Research.

In addition, he has led various research projects, among which are primary care elderly care and remote monitoring.