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Biden will offer a second chance to asylum seekers rejected under the scheme

Biden will offer a second chance to asylum seekers rejected under the scheme

In 2019, the United States will offer a second chance to thousands of asylum seekers who have been denied or denied asylum in immigration courts under a program called “Stay in Mexico” founded by then-President Donald Trump. Removed formally earlier this month Written by his successor Joe Biden.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced on Tuesday that it was expanding its qualifications so that thousands of immigrants could join the program – officially known as the Immigrant Protection Code (MPP) – They can enter the United States and seek asylum here, not from Mexico.

“As part of our ongoing effort to restore safe, orderly and humanitarian processing across the Southwest Frontier, DHS is expanding its portfolio of MPB registrars eligible for processing in the United States,” the company said.

[“Nos secuestraron de camino a la corte”: ‘Quédate en México’ se acaba pero la angustiosa espera continúa para miles de inmigrantes]

Many asylum applications implemented under the ‘Stay in Mexico’ were rejected after the immigrants returned to that country as they were pending appointment with an immigration judge. Fearing that some of them would be abducted in dangerous cities, they denounced that they could not attend due to lack of resources or disease. Sometimes appointments were planned for them Troublesome tables until 4:30 p.m. Many of them have no access to lawyers to guide and represent them.

It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. But Michael Klein, director of the International Organization for Migration to North America, Central America and the Caribbean, told Solomon The Associated Press It is estimated that at least 10,000 people will benefit.

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However, this can be an almost very low estimate 7,000 cases were dismissed ‘Stay in Mexico’ and More than 32,000 were denied, Access to transaction records of Syracuse University according to data from Clearinghouse. It is not known how many cases were specifically denied for failing to appear in court.

Beginning Wednesday, June 23rd, the DHS said immigrant cases under the MPB program can be registered if they have been dismissed or denied, and can claim the right to enter the United States for a second chance to appear in immigration court.

The company clarified that those eligible for processing in the United States “must register online from where they are currently located”.

The website you can sign up for this Wednesday is in Spanish: https://conecta.acnur.org.

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Many of the returnees may have left the Mexican border area, where they have been camping in makeshift tents for months in the hope that they will be allowed in, and the announcement by the Biden administration prompts a return to the dangerous path to the border.

Immigrants allowed to enter the United States are expected to be brought to the border, where they will be screened for COVID-19 before being allowed to enter.

The DHS recalled on Tuesday that the Biden administration had ended its ‘stay in Mexico’ and entered the United States against asylum seekers saying it would “not affect the processing of qualified individuals.”

In the two years from January 2019, the program deported 70,000 asylum seekers to Mexico until Biden ceased to serve on the first day.

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Home Secretary Alejandro Myorgas said in early June that the costs of maintaining this Trump-era policy would outweigh any benefits.

With information from Associated Press