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Bensusan and Health Sciences: “La Bamba has experienced another historic day”

Bensusan and Health Sciences: “La Bamba has experienced another historic day”

Senator Daniel Bandesan presented two bills to the National Senate for a declaration of interest for the fiftieth anniversary of the nationalization of the National University of La Pampa and another, to the same effect, for the approval of the establishment of the Faculty of Health Sciences.

The nationalization was the result of the commitment and struggle of the Pampean community, as there were no political, religious or any kind of gaps. What was present was a search for the common good, and to show that for the development of La Pampa it was necessary to have a national university, because to grow as a province it must have a strong commitment to quality education,” he said.

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“This new anniversary of nationalization invites us to reaffirm our commitment to public and quality education, convinced that the growth and productive enhancement of La Pampa Province go hand in hand with knowledge, research and promotion of new challenges from all educational levels.”, he added.

He also referred to the approval of establishing the College of Health Sciences. “La Bamba lived another historic day. He emphasized that at the meeting of the University Council that took place after more than twenty years, a very important step was taken towards achieving the dream of everyone and everyone, which is to obtain a medical degree in the province.

In this sense, he also highlighted the provincial government’s “commitment” to strengthening our university. “We have always worked together, but especially with regard to health. In 2017, Carlos Verna signed the decree according to which the government will support the dictation of the nursing profession that year. Then comes the agreement signed between the current governor, Sergio Ziliuto, and Dean Oscar Alba, to dictate the nursing degree From UNLPam, where the county’s financial support was also in. The council has taken another step towards this goal.

“Nursing has been a success, and you could see the students’ experience even during a pandemic. Medicine will definitely go in that direction once the race is complete.”

“Peronism’s commitment to public health and quality is not new. In 1949, Juan Domingo Peron created Argentina’s first Ministry of Health, headed by Ramón Carrillo. He concluded that every justice government works towards ensuring this fundamental right.