To circumvent insomnia, Charles Dickens decided to apply the remedies that Benjamin Franklin, another insomnia patient at the time, advised him, and successfully implemented them. So writes David Jimenez Torres in his book book bad sleep (Libros del Asteroid): “These workers consist in salir de la cama, darle una vuelta a la almohada, agitar las sábanas al menos 20 veces, caminar sin vestirse por la habitación, cuando el frío se hiciera insoportable, meterse otra ez en Bed”. By doing this several times a night, Franklin managed to tire himself out and fall asleep. But Dickens only managed to reveal himself more.
Today, in hospitals, they provide each patient with sleep problems with a list of more useful scientific indications. It is very convenient to follow them literally in order to achieve profitable sleep hygiene. It’s more or less this:
Maintain a set time for going to bed and getting up, including weekends. The thing about Saturdays and Sundays is crucial not to confuse the brain.
– If you lie down and cannot sleep for half an hour, get up. Don’t stay in bed tossing and turning. “But don’t even think about turning on the TV or reading something you like,” explains Dr. Esmeralda Rocío Martín, adding, “It’s about boredom. So do nothing, or start reading an already known newspaper story, if you want to. If necessary, During this time use a dim, warm light.If you wake up and cannot visualize the dream, do the same.The process should be repeated as many times as necessary.
– If you suffer from insomnia or have problems sleeping, avoid naps and situations that encourage them.
Avoid distractions in the room: TV, alarm clocks, radio, cell phones, etc.
– It is advisable to do sports – not necessarily strenuous, just walking – in the fresh air for an hour a day. If you can, do it in the morning and in any case avoid doing it during the three hours before going to sleep.
– It is important for the organism to receive natural light outdoors for an hour or two a day. It doesn’t have to be direct sunlight (it doesn’t matter if it’s cloudy). Light, especially in the morning, is a powerful synchronizer of sleep-wake rhythms, and it also acts as an antidepressant. It also helps a lot to forget about mobile phone and tablet screens at least an hour before bed. The blue light emitted from these devices inhibits the release of the hormone melatonin, which is essential for sleep communication.
Keep the bedroom dark and avoid light pollution from outside. If necessary, use a sleeping mask. Again: darkness is the necessary condition for melatonin release.
Caffeinated drinks, such as coffee and cola, disturb sleep, even in people who don’t realize it. Tobacco and alcohol are also bad for sleep.
Eat dinner at least two hours before your bedtime. Heavy meals disturb sleep. A light swallow, on the contrary, is favored by him.
– If you suffer from insomnia, don’t look at the clock. Forget the time. Knowing how many hours are left will only make you more anxious.
– At dusk, light up the room you are in with warm lights. It will work to get your mind to settle down to sleep.
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