East Africa News Post

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Baringi at the Regional Science Fair: “Youth are the driving force of the coming changes”

Baringhi at the Regional Science Fair: "Youth are the engine of the coming changes."

The mayor of the municipality, Sergio Baringhi, participated on Tuesday in the opening ceremony of the Regional Exhibition of Education, Arts, Science and Technology of Region 15, at the Secondary Education School No. 3 (Faculty of Commerce), highlighting the “commitment and dedication” of the students.

In his message, the group’s leader stressed that the exhibition “shows that there are committed youth” and highlighted the country’s “rich history” of scientific and technological development.

“Argentina has a very rich history in the scientific field: we are supported by the Nobel Prizes that have been awarded to recognized specialists from our country, which have placed us in a prestigious position in the international community,” said Baringhi, referring to the achievements of Bernardo Houssay (Medicine, 1947), Luis Federico Leloir (Chemistry, 1970) and César Milstein (Medicine, 1984).

“These successful precedents, dating back to the 20th century, have set a course that continues to this day and is reflected in events such as this,” he added.

In another paragraph of his speech, Baringhi criticized the current national trend in scientific matters and formed a contradiction with the line drawn by the province of Buenos Aires and the municipality at the level of education.

“We live in a time in the country where scientists are despised, CONICET funding is cut and the capacity of our people is disbelieved. In this context, this exhibition in Bragado brings us hope in committed young people, showing us that there is a public school that does not lower its arms and a present State determined to continue supporting these initiatives.”

Finally, Baringi expressed his support for today’s youth, stressing that they are “the engine of the coming changes.”

“You, young people, are the heroes of the future. A future that is actually very close to becoming the present, because life moves so fast. You are the engine of the changes that are coming in our city, in our country and around the world,” he said.

In the same vein, he affirmed his confidence in “the current generation of entrepreneurs from Braga”. “As I always say, they have the enormous privilege of starting their student life in a very prosperous city, with a very important generation of entrepreneurs, unprecedented in history,” he said.

He concluded: “The challenge today and in the years to come will be for those who develop their careers here to join this process and continue to enhance work, production and innovation, to achieve an increasingly prosperous society.”

Educational institutions from Chivilcoy, Alberti and 9 de Julio also participated in the exhibition. In addition to the mayor, there were present the Chief Regional Inspector of the State Administration, Andrea Mascheroni; the Chief Regional Inspector of the Special Administration, Leonor Caprioli; the regional representatives of the Educational, Scientific and Technological Activities Program (ACTE) Alejandra Fonseca, Juan Manuel Busola and Laura Fazio; the authorities of the Deliberative Council; representatives of the School Council; and representatives of the unions Amet, Soeme, ATE, Feb, Suteba and Udocba.

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