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Barcelona brings together nearly 800 city resources on a digital map to improve health and well-being • ESMARTCITY

Barcelona brings together nearly 800 city resources on a digital map to improve health and well-being • ESMARTCITY

Department of Health in Barcelona City Hall Collected in one digital map all the activities and resources in the city to improve people’s health, well-being and welfare. Currently, this tool called Cerca Salut includes about 800 assets and is constantly being updated.

near Salut Barcelona
Cerca Salut offers around 800 assets in Barcelona to improve people’s health, well-being and welfare.

Cerca Salut digital map, which can be consulted web method-Allows you to search by keywords, topics or regions. In addition, it includes an instant translation tool to make it easier to access the platform’s content in any language.

Between October and December 2022, more than 7,000 inquiries were made in this tool, of which 20% were related to loneliness and social isolation. Emotional well-being, resilience or mental health are other areas that have driven a large number of consultations.

Currently, a total of 325 different organizations are registered on the digital map, which can update published assets to offer a live and constantly evolving tool with up-to-date and useful information for citizens.

A digital map of people’s health, well-being and care

Cerca Salut strives to become a collaborative intranet showcasing all the services offered in Barcelona that contribute to the well-being, health and care of people. It is intended for citizens who wish to make inquiries in this regard, as well as for professionals from various fields interested in informing and advising users.

In addition, it includes the activities and resources of organizations that are complementary to the regular, individual or group care activities of the health system, social services and education. All of these assets are non-profit, such as the workshops that are held in municipal civic centers, centers for the elderly, associations and bodies.

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Access to these resources can be direct or through prescription or referral by professionals from the health, social or community system. Thus, it does not include restrictions more than those specific to each activity and the Barcelona City Council undertakes to ensure that all published assets follow ethical standards and respect for human rights.