One thousand students will start the 2023/2024 academic year tomorrow, Monday, at the Colegio Lar in Mos. From the younger stage, through primary school, ESO, training courses, middle, higher and secondary education. This last group includes those launching the project this year. Stembach, Baccalaureate of Excellence in Science and Technology, which enhances students’ vocation for scientific and technological research (directed to any field of knowledge) and allows direct connection with university education. Colegio Lar was one of five centers in Galicia to join the STEMbach project, becoming the only educational center in the region teaching it.
The initiative is part of Digital education strategyEdudixital 2030 and seeks to develop STEM competencies through curricular content linked to computational thinking and immersive technologies.
The entity launches a language center this year
But this will not be the only novelty that the school offers for this course. “We are facing a new academic year, with the number of students reaching 1,000, which represents a historical milestone for the center,” says the center’s director, Rodrigo Salgado Pombo. He explained that this new year brings with it “many improvements, both in our facilities and in the services we provide. We have expanded the scope of training courses and launched new projects at the level of languages and educational excellence.”
In vocational training, beginning Intermediate extension course in the natural environment and leisure timeAnd also the second level Postgraduate course of pathological anatomywhich are in the list of a total of 15 degrees.
One of the main developments is the launch of the project.”“language lab”. A language center in which, on the one hand, English language courses are taught to adults (over 16 years), students of the center or students abroad, face-to-face, online or in mixed mode; On the other hand, teacher support sessions in English and French for the primary, ISO and baccalaureate educational levels, targeting students of Lar and other centres.
“We are facing a new academic year of 1,000 students, which is a historic achievement for the center,” says the center’s director, Rodrigo Salgado Pombo.
On the other hand, the Maker Lab classes, which aim to introduce children to robotics, programming language and 3D printing, and the Ecolar project, about the environment and sustainability, continue.
Regarding facilities, the second floor of Building A has been completely renovated. There are 1,000 square meters where the walls dividing the different rooms are made of glass, bringing greater brightness and transparency to the classrooms, creating three new spaces: the arts and crafts classroom, the project classroom, and the technology classroom.
Fix to save energy, water and detergent
In the kitchen, the cleaning area was renovated with the installation of a new washing system that reduced energy consumption by 22%, water consumption by 30%, and detergent consumption by 32%.
On the other hand, a new covered walkway is scheduled to be installed that will connect Buildings C and D, and the latter building is equipped with a cafeteria, laboratory, assembly hall and other classrooms that are already fully operational.

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