Pixar's new production "Lightyear" of the Toy Story series has sparked various criticisms and reactions among users, as the film...
Lane Skeldon
On June 17, Shakira released a new song with David Guetta and Black Eyed Peas titled 'do not worry Which,...
Everything seems to indicate that Shakira is ready to cut everything related to Gerard Pique completely, so she would put...
last May Christian Nodal Amazed his fans to confess In the dynamic in their social networks that Many artists despised...
He is one of the most popular Mexican regional music singers of the last decade Julian Alvarezwhich despite this great...
Irina Paiva She broke her silence about the rumors that she claimed she was jealous when she found out about...
Nadia Ferreira: This is the severe disease that Marc Anthony’s friend suffered from in her childhood
Paraguay model Nadia Ferrara 23 years old will soon be the wife of the famous singer Marc Anthony. They whitewashed...
Social networks continue to be saturated with information about separation of files Shakira s Gerrard Piqueafter, after The presumed betrayal...
Arasili Arambola He admitted that he didn't have any stable partner after he ended up with him Luis Miguel, Who...
I wrote in Famous People The 6/16/2022 00:15 AM Show the first half Energy It is a long-awaited event for...