- The former president of the Institute of Mining Engineers of Peru will talk about his experience in the sector and promoting social dialogue between the state and the company.
In the context of the celebrations of the 149th anniversary of the Faculty of Economic Sciences at the National University Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM), Dean Pedro Barrientos invited Filipa Augusto Pirtel, former president of the Institute of Mining Engineers of Peru and founder of the Diálogo Group for Dialogue, Mining and Sustainable Development in Peru, to deliver a keynote speech About his experience in this sector, as well as in promoting social dialogue between the state, the business sector and communities.
For Barrientos, knowledge in the field of investment promotion, organization and management in the mining sector at Bertil Montuori will be of utmost importance to professors and students of the college and the general public.
Another guest on the show to provide his comments will be economist Jorge Manco Zaconetti, Director of the Center for Social Responsibility and University Extension of FCE (CERSEU).
The academic event titled “The Importance of Mining in Peru: A Life Testimony” will be held in person on Monday, April 22 at 11 a.m. in the facilities of the Degree Hall (Old Wing) of the University’s Faculty of Economic Sciences. city. Entry is free when you register by email [email protected]

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