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As a Cuban, how do I apply for asylum from Mexico to the US through CBP One?

As a Cuban, how do I apply for asylum from Mexico to the US through CBP One?

Flights from Cuba to Nicaragua continue to increase, the possibility of free visas and asylum requests from Central American territories such as Mexico are working for many Cubans through the CBP One mobile app, which is intended to reduce asylum. US Southern Border Processing Times.

According to information Officer For the US government, CBP One is an application to enter the US for the purpose of seeking asylum or on humanitarian parole. It was launched last May following a so-called Title 42 decision barring border crossings due to the health crisis, despite hundreds of thousands of Cubans entering the US illegally during that period.

With this, interested parties can send documents in advance without going to the port of entry and have an appointment scheduled for an interview. “They say it’s fast and it doesn’t take more than a month,” a Cuban interested in applying from Mexico told our website.

How to use the CBP One app from Mexico?

A border report ensures that CBP One makes an appointment after sending the activity information so that the immigrant does not have to go to the border and expose himself unnecessarily. This is the official norms which will speed up the admission process for that particular country.

What can they ask you to make an appointment from said app? They will ask you for documents such as current photo and other personal information, names and surnames, passport, nationality. You will be given a specific date and time to report at one of the US ports of entry.

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To do this, you must first download the application on your cell phone, select the Spanish language, accept the terms and conditions and receive an email to create your account in the application. Once you have confirmed your email with a verification message, you will create a password and authenticate yourself. Once inside the app, you can schedule an appointment and wait for a call.