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Aroldis Chapman continues to focus on MLB 2024

Aroldis Chapman continues to focus on MLB 2024

Aroldis Chapman He’s not giving up, and has his sights set on next season. The 33-year-old from Holguin has had a dream campaign. Let’s not forget that Chapman is a giant of steel. It was already behind us, but the Supersonic player came in after receiving a ball in his face, which called into question his continuity in goal. Big leagues. More than one person said: There is nothing for Aroldis to do.

The truth is that he recovered, came back, and did so from a wide perspective. He became the fourth Cuban in history to have the most All-Star Games in all of MLB. It has also positioned itself as the Antilles with the most saved games of all time. like a little, Aroldis Chapman He is the Cuban with the most games launched Specialties.advertisementsEsoic

His speed is a feast. With straight lines rising from 100 mphChapman outruns his rivals without the slightest mercy. To date, the left-handed car has made more than 3,500 deliveries at speeds in excess of 100 mph, the absolute leader since 2008.

Aroldis Chapman training with everything

According to the great baseball experts, you don’t make an arm, you’re born with it. The fact is that physical condition improves significantly with daily work. Aroldis Chapman is clear He maintains his high level of training.

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The upcoming season will bring its own challenges, and there will be many obstacles that Aroldis Chapman will have to face. In this case, he doesn’t stay still and goes for it. The question is: Will he be able to break the speed record in the upcoming campaign?

Without further ado, I leave you with the video of his training…