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Aracely Arámbula “Yes, there was a hand” reveals who opened her car

Aracely Arámbula “Yes, there was a hand” reveals who opened her car

Recently singer and an actress Arasili Arambola ex partner Luis Miguel And the mother of her children returned to the trend again, due to the unpleasant situation with the paparazzi, and now it was revealed who was right and it became clear who was the one who opened her car.

For more on context, at entertainment program Gossip no like, a little explained about the situation regarding paparazzi and Arasili Arambola.

The heroine of the movie “La Doña” from 2016 to 2020, is said to have sued an independent journalist for wanting to take content from her children and expose them to express her annoyance at the event, Nelsy Carrillo is the name of the journalist who participated in the situation said.

A day before the famous car scene of the mother of Daniel Gallego Arambola and Miguel Gallego Arambola, the sons of Luis Miguel and the beautiful Mexican actress.

The Video Its duration is 1:40:21, but it starts at 1:03:06 where they start talking about the person who opened a car door Arasili ArambolaTo scare their kids, we will share it with you right away.

Elisa Berstein and Javier Siriani always come back to share solid evidence of what they claim, as was the case with Univisión journalist Maria Urtado, who made a terrible mistake despite receiving numerous awards and recognitions.

Urtado belongs to El Gordo y la Flaca who for two days hid information about this mistake that could have legal consequences, but according to Ceriani, Aracely’s lawyer won’t do anything about it.

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Unlike Nelsey, who was sued on the spot, during the program, they indicated that the actress’s lawyer had committed discrimination, so why one of the photographers if not the other?

Gossip No Like host Javier Ceriani states that his lawyers, Arámbula and Guillermo Pous, should sue Univisión and that El Gordo and La Flaca should publicly apologize for what happened to their reporter.

It is possible that there was some interest among those involved, because Boss in the days that passed did not mention the name of Maria Urtado because she belongs to the Univisión network, unlike Nilsi Carrillo, he acted on the spot.