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Application of artificial intelligence in systemic autoimmune diseases

Application of artificial intelligence in systemic autoimmune diseases

the artificial intelligence (IA) Charges every time, Greater importance in the field of medicineAssisting in treatment, facilitating diagnosis, and predicting complications that patients may suffer from. It is a series of data that Facilitating the work of doctors When it comes to providing continuity for the different clinical situations they encounter.

This is the conclusion reached by more than 300 internists who attended the 17th meeting of the Systemic Autoimmune Diseases Group (GEAS) of the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine (SEMI) to analyze Major diagnostic and therapeutic developments in Management of systemic autoimmune diseases.

SEMI explained, through a statement, that among the topics discussed, it was highlighted Advances in AI integrationnews in Systemic lupus erythematosus and its diseases Autoinflammationas well as innovations in the management, teaching, and stratification of cardiovascular risk in these diseases.

The role of artificial intelligence in EAS

Artificial Intelligence Offers Innovative tools to improve or assist the internist In clinical practice and in the management and research of systemic autoimmune diseases.

These new technologiesThey are revolutionizing the field of medicine“And its application in the management of systemic autoimmune diseases (SAD) promises to change the lives of millions of patients around the world,” explained Olga Araujo, internist at Xarxa Sanitària i Social de Santa Tecla and responsible for supervising the table. Advances in incorporating artificial intelligence into the management of autoimmune diseases.

In this sense, he stated that “AI offers innovative tools to improve diagnosis, Personalize treatments and predict progression Of these diseases.

This is how artificial intelligence helps doctors

SEMI noted that artificial intelligence could help with this More accurate and earlier diagnosispersonalized treatments, Predicting flare-ups and relapsesTelemedicine, remote monitoring, advanced bibliographic search, education, Patient support And the efficiency of clinical work.

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“Incorporating AI into the treatment of systemic autoimmune diseases not only improves the accuracy of diagnosis and the effectiveness of treatment, but also It gives patients renewed hopesaid Doctor Garcia Murillo.

Along these lines, Dr. José Salvador García Murillo, coordinator of the Systemic Autoimmune Diseases (GEAS) Working Group of SEMI, noted that “the ability of artificial intelligence to… Analyze and learn from large clinical data sets “It allows for progress that was previously unimaginable.”

Likewise, he noted that they at the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine are “committed to advancing research and Implementing advanced technologies“To improve the lives of patients with systemic autoimmune diseases.

“Artificial Intelligence is a key piece of… Our mission to transform healthcare And providing innovative solutions to those who need them most,” the doctor stated.

EAS is the most common

Systemic autoimmune diseases It is a group of more than 30 diseases With a global prevalence estimated at between 1 to 5 percent, SEMI noted. The most common are Sjogren’s syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), sarcoidosis, and antiphospholipid syndrome.

They all share a failure of the immune system, which stops performing its function properly and “It continues to cause damage to the tissues and cells themselvesThe company noted that this disease affects multiple organs and can lead to serious clinical conditions.

EAS spread

he they It usually affects approx 20-70 people per 100,000 of the total population. This occurs more frequently in women, with a female-to-male ratio of about 9 to 1.

For her part, Systemic sclerosis (Scleroderma) has a high prevalence among… 30-120 people per million inhabitantswith the incidence also being higher in women, at a ratio of approximately 4 to 1.

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Likewise, the Sjögren’s syndrome Its prevalence ranges between 0.1-0.6 percent of the world population That is a ratio of about 9 women to one man.

Finally, Systemic vasculitis It has a variable prevalence depending on the specific type of vasculitis, but in general, It is estimated that it affects between 20 and 30 people per million people. For the most common types such as granulomatosis with polyangiitis.

García Murillo noted that “in Spain, These types of diseases affect a large populationmore than 5 percent, and usually has a chronic and fluctuating course, with the development of complications in various organs.”

The doctor added that “Immunotherapy is common among all of them.”. “Most current treatments are palliative and focus on managing symptoms and preventing complications,” he commented.

The information published in Medical Writing contains statements, statements and announcements from official institutions and health professionals. However, if you have any questions regarding your health, consult your appropriate health professional.