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Apitherapy, an alternative medicine for pets that helps treat chronic pain

Apitherapy, an alternative medicine for pets that helps treat chronic pain

For thousands of years, different civilizations have been known to have used beehive derivatives for different medicinal and dietary uses. The Egyptians, for example, went to plant therapy In the treatment of diseases and injuries, while the Chinese used the properties of propolis in colds and diseases of the respiratory and digestive systems.

Although this practice was somewhat neglected after the arrival of modern medicine, Some doctors and veterinarians use hives derivatives in their patients in a variety of areas including disease prevention and pain in chronic diseases.

Jorge Corridor, a veterinarian at the Universidade de los Llanos who specializes in bee therapy, emphasized that with hive products, Which include bee venom, propolis, honey, pollen, among others, can treat cancer, respiratory and digestive diseases, chronic pain and some types of atopic allergies.

As in humans, the properties of propolis serve to care for the respiratory system of these animals; Pollen acts as a multivitamin by containing 22 amino acids, vitamins, and minerals; Royal jelly helps strengthen the immune system. Bee venom is used to treat chronic pain from conditions such as hip dysplasia, knee problems, and arthritis. Honey helps treat wounds and improves the intestinal flora.

As for the chronic pain that can be treated in dogs and cats, there are those who suffer from spinal cord problems, herniated discs, arthritis and osteoporosis.

“In 2004 I started working in Canada with animals in a veterinary clinic and at the same time I started researching other types of alternative treatments and went into different things; Chinese medicine, acupuncture, homeopathy, among others. I loved natural medicine, until one time I showed up in Ontario, moved to Toronto for a month and a half and got this diploma in bee management,” Corridor said.

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