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ANSES provided the Social Security Observatory with the Faculty of Social Sciences

ANSES provided the Social Security Observatory with the Faculty of Social Sciences

ANSES CEO, Fernanda Raventaparticipated in the Social Security Monitor presentation held by the Retirement Agency at the UBA School of Social Sciences, along with Dean, Ana Arias.

In the presence of the authorities, teachers, researchers and master students applying from the said studies house and the authorities from the Professional Council for Social Work, Ravita and Arias, they reflected the importance of the link between the state and the university.

In this context, the Chief of Staff, Juan Pablo Jovovich, the Director General of Planning, Ignacio Amegorina, and the Director of the Promotion of Social Security Rights, Lucia Corsilia, and by UBA, on behalf of ANSES also spoke. , Gender and Human Rights Curator, Malina Magnasco. The session was moderated by the Director of Social Work Degree, Soraya Giraldez. Social Security Observatory director Carolina Nahoon was also in attendance.

For her part, the Executive Director of ANSES expressed: “From ANSES we are very proud to present the observatory along with the Faculty of Social Sciences at UBA because we know how important the dialogue between the academy and state practices is in responding to social needs, improving the quality of life and setting public policies that take care of Argentine families ” .

“ANSES is the body that works to universalize rights, so collective analysis and reflection are essential. This is how we work in the organization, with the challenge of reforming rights and working tirelessly to include millions of Argentines in the pension system.”

In the same sense, the Dean added: “We are at a critical social moment and from the social sciences we have a lot to contribute to the discussion. We have a responsibility to promote a public commitment to democracy and put ourselves at the service of linking our faculty with ANSES, in the conviction that this is a tremendous potential to position the social sciences in the direction of social demands. “.

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Similarly, Jovovich presented the objectives and guidelines for the work of the Observatory and highlighted: “For us, it is necessary to hold meetings like this, where we make the publications of the Observatory available to the University, we open spaces for expression of actions based on common interest, and we encourage public debate on social security issues. Incorporating a series of Our studies as reference material at the university is a goal that motivates us to continue conducting research aimed at implementing data-driven public policies.”

During the meeting, the two sides signed a cooperation framework agreement that would enhance exchange and amplify the public debate on social security and keep pace with the College of Social Sciences in the reflection and production of knowledge.

Within the framework of the activity, ANSES participated in the diagnosis and impact of the policy of recognition of contributions to care tasks, which has already allowed 200,000 Argentine mothers to retire.

The contents prepared by the observatory can be accessed through the following link: https://www.anses.gob.ar/observatorio