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Andres Garcia faces more health complications

Andres Garcia faces more health complications

Andres Garcia Feeling weak and weak, the 81-year-old admits that cirrhosis is killing him, he has difficulty getting up from a chair and says he can no longer walk.

Via his YouTube channel, the 80s heartthrob admitted on the Mexican screen that he has not recovered after the fall he suffered from the stairs and that he still suffers from severe pains in his body, which aggravated by cirrhosis of the liver that made him almost unable to move. or walk.

“I’m still in pain, my whole body hurts, my back, I can’t walk anymore, I can barely stand up from a chair.”

Garcia, who is recovering at his home in Acapulco, explained that another health issue he has is related to an increasingly troublesome hernia.

“I have a left-sided hernia, a bowel ball that wants to come out and it bothers me a lot.”

“Turn the eggs over to the drink,” Andres Garcia said as part of his reflection on the excesses he practiced for many years of his life and which affect him now.

For a few weeks now, his health has become an issue that worries his fans, because in his most recent appearance he looked depressed and very thin.

Now his wife Margherita Portillo is from In an interview with EL UNIVERSAL A few days ago, he confirmed that Garcia’s case was getting more and more complicated; In addition, the mood of the actor was affected because he does not accept his status.

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He said: “His health has deteriorated somewhat, he is weak, he cannot accept it or understand it, but this is because of the conditions he suffers from.”

And about his extreme thinness, which drew the attention of his audience, he explained: “He has ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdomen), he has inflammation in his organs, in the stomach, he has weakness, he is eating. But what he does not do must be he suffers from intermittent diarrhea, very complicated, is not it?

In this regard, the doctors told him that historia would continue to develop and that “in the hospital it would be better care than here”; But he added that he was doing everything to “be as best as possible and not get too complicated”.

In fact, Portillo explained, the protagonist of “The Deceived Woman” takes so little medication that it’s too dangerous to fill him up with medication because his liver, which has been so damaged by cirrhosis, is all filtered out.

His son, Leonardo, is on the lookout

Leonardo Garcia has confirmed that his father Andres Garcia has actually gotten better after his recent hospitalization, although he has fluctuations in his health every day, so he tries to be aware because due to his father’s workload and personality, you can’t always see him.

“We all have ups and downs, the best thing I can say is to think positive and positive, to feel better,” Andres Garcia’s youngest son, Andres Garcia, said during his time on the red carpet for The Network’s play last night.

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