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American paying off debts to families at Christmas for the third year in a row

American paying off debts to families at Christmas for the third year in a row

One Man Gulf Breeze, A city in the northwest Florida (USA), which has a bad memory Christmas She decided to pay this December because it was cold while raising her daughters Late bills Of Water and light For the third year in a row many families, too, have accumulated USD 96 000 In donations.

Mike Esmond75, returned to him Christmas donations Approximately $ 4,600 was paid last week 29 Invoices, This Friday, December 24, 2021, Television reported that its total donations this year have risen to about USD 85,000 and over the past three years to USD 96,000. Local10.

In December 2019, Mike Esmond, owner Pool cleaning company In Pensacola, like him in 1983, he paid utility bills for 36 families to prevent them from running out of electricity, water or gas for Christmas.

Since then, after donating around USD 12 000 Over the past two Christmas seasons, Esmond has received a check from Flanders candy company “A Nut Above” for being a good Samaritan, to pay essential utility bills for Gulf Breeze residents.

Since early 2021, Esmond has used $ 104,000 in checks, and Gulf Breeze families have paid 667 bills to help those at risk of having their applications disconnected, for a total of about $ 80,000, local details10.

“In other words, between March and August, for six consecutive months, I paid everyone past arrears,” said Esmond, a senior U.S. Army veteran.

10 degrees Fahrenheit in December 1983 (-12 C) According to Weather Underground, and Esmond, with his three daughters, could not pay his bills without electricity or heat.

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“We had no heat that year, which was the lowest temperature ever recorded in Pensacola. Ice was hanging in our windows,” Esmond told the Pensacola News Journal.

With the Flanders campaign money he donated in 2021, Esmond said he had no plans to donate again this holiday season, but the idea of ​​encouraging others prompted him to continue the tradition.

“You know, not only are these 29 bills being paid, it’s bringing joy to many in the United States and around the world,” Esmond said.

“I have numerous letters, sections and emails from people,” the donor promised.