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Ambientech, struggling against scholastic failure in the sciences

Ambientech, struggling against scholastic failure in the sciences

Another Wednesday, count green tires, space for sustainability Signus Ecovalor in Mobility on wheels. This week, we find out Angeles Sala, Founder and President of Ambientech.

This is the editor and co-author of this environmental education program AndOpen Access seeks to disseminate and facilitate learning about science, technology and the environment in compulsory secondary education.

The main reason for visiting the program is that Environmental Education Day is celebrated on Thursday, January 26th It is better than them to celebrate an important date like this on Capital Radio.

The next day Podcast From Capital Radio, you can discover the full story thanks interview knew b Isabel Lopez-Rivadola, Director of Communications at Signus Ecovalor, and Chimo Ortega, Director of Mobility on Wheels.

Green frames

Signus Ecovalor brings us Angels Sala, Founder and President of Ambientech.

“We promote environmental awareness among young people”

Increasing the motivation of university students, avoiding an increase in failure rates in scientific subjects, and enhancing social interest in science. on these three pillars, Sala angels In 2000, he realized the importance of changing this paradigm of literary edition.

And so, a year later, V.I 2001Birth the environment “To promote comprehensive and free education in science, and to seek a union of science and the environment to promote environmental awareness among young people.”