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Am I at risk of deportation if I come to the US on “humane parole”?

Am I at risk of deportation if I come to the US on “humane parole”?

On April 24, deportation flights from the United States to Cuba began, where 123 people, mostly those who entered through the southern border, were returned to Cuba amid the current situation. Amidst the uncertainty, one of them is whether Joe Biden’s “humanitarian parole” risks deportation.

Some lawyers like Jose Guerrero responded to this Channel Miami-based Univisión 23 reports that Cuban immigrants with pending asylum cases, residency procedures or humanitarian parole are at risk of deportation from the United States.

The experts clarified once again, “Cubans who are in jail and who have a final order of deportation are the first ones on the (ICE) list to be deported, and I would say they are the ones most likely to be deported. On the next flight”.

“A person with pending process, pending asylum, pending residency, pending parole should not be afraid,” Guerrero added. In short, if you arrive on parole, you won’t fear deportation, unless you commit a crime or a crime in the United States.

It expanded that only those who have completed the immigration process and been denied asylum are required to appear before an immigration judge and are more complex.

Deportation flights to Cuba

Recently on these same pages, we commented on which Cubans are no longer at risk of deportation, and we remember that they are “Cubans holding an I-220A or I-,” according to immigration attorney Miguel Inda-Romero. 220B” These deportation flights should be maintained with at least two connections per month.

They also unhesitatingly deport Cuban rafters who touch shores and try to intercept them at sea, and some who don’t pass a “credible fear” interview when they come ashore.

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The US government is only interested in taking advantage of the various legal avenues Cubans have to immigrate, such as family reunification and the new humanitarian parole. Since last January, nearly 15,000 Cubans have come to the United States through this route.