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Alzheimer's disease: What hormone helps prevent it – Health and Wellness

Alzheimer's disease: What hormone helps prevent it – Health and Wellness

A study conducted by the University of Tokyo has revealed important data that could stop the progression of Alzheimer's disease in the world.

According to experts, hormones play an important role as “chemical messengers” for the human body. In recent weeks, research conducted by the University of Tokyo has revealed how important one of these hormones is in diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer's.

Among all the hormones there is a group responsible for helping us generate feelings of happiness, which are often called happiness hormones, because they are responsible for the experience of happiness.

Stephanie Watson, former executive editor of Harvard Women's Health Watch, identified in a Harvard publication what these four happiness hormones are: serotonin, dopamine, endorphins, and the last one, which we'll focus on, is oxytocin.

A study conducted by Japanese scientists highlighted the effect of this neurotransmitter on cognitive function, which could be a promising advance for developing treatments against dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

What causes oxytocin in the brain
Oxytocin is directly linked to pleasure and affection, as it helps the brain feel affection towards people in our environment, allowing us to feel towards them what we do not feel towards strangers, described from the website of the Dávila Clinic in Colombia.

It's not called the love hormone for nothing, because people who have frequent physical contact and good sexual relations achieve higher levels of oxytocin.

Moreover, specialists explain, during the nine months of pregnancy, a woman’s body is exposed to constant stress: lack of sleep, discomfort, reflux, and other factors.

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