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Alejandro Toledo: Eight properties in the name of the former president, Eliane Karp and Eva Fernenbug may receive royal authority |  trcm |  Provide

Alejandro Toledo: Eight properties in the name of the former president, Eliane Karp and Eva Fernenbug may receive royal authority | trcm | Provide

Eight properties owned by ex-president Alejandro Toledo, Elian Karp and his mother-in-law Eva Fernenbach could end up in state hands as Lima’s Special Intermediate Court for Asset Forfeiture agreed to process the domain’s “request for destruction”. These properties.

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Famous among these buildings is Gada T Punt Sal, Residence in Camacho (both in couple’s names Toledo-Corp), owns a house, office, three parking lots and two warehouses fernenbugSurko district.

The case filed by the Sixth Intermediate Provincial Prosecutor regarding property confiscation requests that the ownership of these properties be declared in favor of the National Plan of Confiscated State Property.

It is also requested to deposit a total bank account of USD 42,237.70 in the name of mother-in-law. ToledoAlong with interest, it will be transferred to the state authority.

What does Alejandro Toledo’s cell look like?

Alejandro Toledo will have a cell similar to that of Fujimori and Castillo in Barbadillo prison. The space consists of a garden and two rooms, divided into a room with a private bathroom and a rough arrival room.

The cell has a place for recreational purposes, where there is a small vegetable garden Alejandro Toledo needs to grow some vegetables.

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