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Alejandro Sanz has been defrauded and has major financial problems

Alejandro Sanz has been defrauded and has major financial problems

message that Posted by singer Alejandro Sanz the weekend he mentioned “Sometimes I don’t even want to be.”until more details about his personal life were broadcast, which It was hit hard by economic problemsderived from the help he gave to a friend.

Referred to the Spanish press The singer could have been scammed in the city of Miamileaving him on the verge of bankruptcy.

It is indicated that Sanz carries debts of $7.3 million next to a company whose name is unknown; This is how journalist Antonio Belachi explained it:

he (sans) It was used as collateral to be able to return that money to a company in Florida. To do this, he had to sell this property because Alejandro filed for bankruptcy. This property, he sold it for $10 million.”

Meanwhile, his partner Nacho Gay noted that Sanz has had financial problems for yearsWhen he noticed that there were some holes in his finances due to the presence of an actor,

His accounts were in the hands of the administrator, his brother, from Rosa Lagarrigue, who was his representative and who ended up doing so badly that the courts ordered him to pay €4.5 million to him. At that time, he was putting the company in the hands of the director of Universal and they would restructure all of this.”

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