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Abinader dismisses Portes de Edeeste and appoints Mejía Naut |  AlMomento.net

Abinader dismisses Portes de Edeeste and appoints Mejía Naut | AlMomento.net

Abinader dismisses Portes de Edeeste and appoints Mejía Naut |  AlMomento.net

Manuel Mejia Naut.

Santo Domingo: On Friday afternoon, President Luis Abenader dismissed the general manager of the Eastern Electricity Distribution Company (EDEESTE) Andrés Portes and appointed Manuel Mejia Naut in his place.

The official replacement is taking place in the midst of a barrage of user complaints due to the prolonged power outages they have experienced in recent weeks.

Portes has been appointed as President of EDEESTE by the Consolidated Council of Distribution Companies (CUED), on August 12, 2022.

Andres Portez.

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CUED selected engineer Mejía Naut who had been serving as Edeeste’s Energy Loss Control Manager until the moment of his new appointment.

In terms of positions he has held, he has been Director of the CCE Operations Department of Empresa de Transmisión Eléctrica Dominicana (ETED); Distribution Business Planning Manager, Investment Project Manager at Edeeste, Technical Consultant for ETED SCADA System Phase I & II Rehabilitation Project.

Similarly, Director of Distribution, Responsible for Energy Management and Responsible for Network Exploitation Studies at Edesur Dominicana, Technical Coordinator of the ETED SCADA Project and Responsible for the Planning and Studies Section for System Operations Management Network at CDE.

In addition, he was a contributor to the publication Island Discovery and Resynchronization, Based on Extensive Observation and Situational Awareness in the Dominican Republic at the 2020 IEEE Power & Energy Society T&D Latin America.

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