A woman ended up in front of a judge because she was supposed to drive fast, but to her surprise, the woman who was driving her husband’s car was another woman, the “lover”.
He discovered infidelity after receiving a traffic ticket with a picture of the vehicle for speeding, according to Bild.
The person who was sentenced had to appear last Friday before the Dusseldorf City Court (Germany) to verify that she was not driving and that when the offense occurred she did not even have a driver’s license. His defense argued that the defendant did not appear in the photograph but another woman.
“My client opened the fine notice at his home: He drove in Rinovertonel 87 instead of the permitted 60 kilometers per hour. In the photo, you see a woman driving a rental car for her husband’s company and freaks out. She did not even have a driver’s license in that time”.
The judge acquitted the alleged perpetrator because there was no significant resemblance between the woman in the photo and the accused. Meanwhile, the “lover” who appeared on the radar image was unable to go to court because she was abroad.
The husband ended up admitting to infidelity.
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