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A very common but very complex condition

A very common but very complex condition

It’s a condition that happens a lot, but we don’t have the perfect treatment: Dr. Noel Rosado Adams.

Dr. Noel Rosado is an ophthalmologist specializing in the cornea.

With the arrival of the pandemic and the increasing use of electronic devices as a major means of communication, eye conditions are becoming increasingly common due to the constant use of these devices. one of The main reasons for consultation, due to symptom images that correspond to dry eye syndrome.

In order to delve into this case, we must understand that the tear film is divided into three structures: in the first case there is the lipid layer, then the aqueous layer or zone and finally the mucin layer. When there is an abnormality in any of these, or all of these structures, we are more likely to start presenting the symptoms associated with dry eye syndrome.

In an interview with the Journal of Medicine and Public Health, Dr. Noel Rosado, an ophthalmologist who specializes in the cornea, explained that this condition is multifactorial, as there are also external conditions that affect eye health: “Use of antihistamines or certain medications very commonly can result in Psychological conditions exacerbate the discomfort.

in Puerto Rico, High level of allergens Containment of the environment can also lead to this condition, because the island is prone to receiving what is known as meteorological dust from the desert, or even the mere presence of pollen can exacerbate and affect the natural production of tears.

Reflections Lenses from the digital age

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Studies have shown that this condition is more common in the elderly than in young people, without this means that young patients do not suffer from dry eye syndrome, since there are factors inherent in young people that can cause this effect, such as the misuse of contact lenses. , or prolonged exposure to screens.

The specialist emphasizes that when humans focus on a particular action, we limit the number of blinks and this leads to dry eyes. This is not a voluntary annoyance, but an involuntary annoyance.

He said: “Before this happened when we were watching TV, now it happens due to prolonged use of computers or cell phones, I recommend taking a break every hour, and looking at the distance when working from a computer for 2 or 3 minutes, this will help us reduce some The problems we see now.

General recommendations and treatment

Being One condition Multifactorial, the cause of the condition must be determined in order to start treatment, however, artificial tears or lubricating drops First line of treatment: “If the condition of the artificial tears does not improve (for patients), it is necessary to carry out a gradual treatment in which other eye medications can be used such as some anti-inflammatories. It is also possible to use the plugs of the tear ducts until it ruptures, and the expert explained that it stays longer around the eye and this helps in treating the symptoms of dry eye .

Unfortunately, there is still no definitive and generalized treatment that would allow to completely eliminate the symptoms and inconveniences caused by this condition, and for this reason, the specialist approaches his patients very clearly when explaining. One condition Chronic has no cure, but there are various alternatives that provide relief.

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Now, when the line of treatment is not started, the patient will likely, in a severe stage, have blurred vision all the time, pain and inflammation in the eye that can lead to recovery problems and this in turn leads to vision loss.

The main recommendation is not to stop attending an ophthalmological consultation for a more accurate diagnosis, and to be able to rule out the relationship of dehydration to other conditions that may not have much to do with the eyes, such as lupus, arthritis and Sjögren’s syndrome.

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