Dozens of students from various medical specialties protested today, Tuesday, in front of the Ministry of Health headquarters (Mensa), located in Block 8 of Salaverry Street in the Jesús María District. They demand approval of the guidelines so they can start boarding school 2022.
According to RPP Noticias, about 15,000 students from various medical disciplines such as nursing, dentistry and general medicine, among others, cannot start pre-professional practices scheduled for this year. Because the guidelines have not yet been published.
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on, Jocelyn Espinosa The head of the medical student base details their demands. “The demands are health insurance, minimum living wage, EPPs, scheduling as well as for our undergraduate colleagues, and their safe return to clinical practice.”
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“We do not have an insurance policy and I think we are vulnerable to any health problem that arises within the facility,” he added.
Similarly, specify that the current group of students who carry out their internship are receiving a salary of S/770, asking him to have the pay equal or greater. “I think now we deserve no less. Remember that the minimum wage has gone up and the current economic crisis is hitting us as well.”
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On the other hand, Espinosa commented that they met up with General Directorate of Health Workers (DIGEP) and the person in charge of human resources; However, they did not receive the response they expected.
“We will continue (with the protest procedure) until the benefits they receive are equal to all.”pointed out.
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Protest in the regions
A similar case was reported in the regions of Arequipa, Lambayeque, Huanuco, Cusco and Junin, as well as in Puno.Where students of human medicine and nursing from different universities They requested to start an internship at the regional hospital.
with youth banners Asked the Ministers of Economy and Health to approve the budget guidelines Required by students when they are accepted into different hospitals.
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“We have to have BEP, for sure. We as nurses are close to the patient and want to respect and agree to the guidelines for trainees.One of the students commented.
According to the mentioned media, the boarding school was scheduled to start on May 1. However, it was postponed to the 15th of the same month. Students hope that it will be fulfilled on the announced date and will not be changed again.
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