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A scanner at New York's JFK Airport detects a "passenger without a ticket" in a suitcase.

A scanner at New York’s JFK Airport detects a “passenger without a ticket” in a suitcase.

In this image provided by the Transportation Safety Administration, New York's John F.  At Kennedy Airport, a checked suitcase shows a cat stuck.  (Transportation Safety Administration via AP)
In this image provided by the Transportation Safety Administration, New York’s John F. At Kennedy Airport, a checked suitcase shows a cat stuck. (Transportation Safety Administration via AP)

John F. of New York. A cat surprises TSA agents at Kennedy Airport with a suitcase. The agent noticed orange fur sticking out of the slightly open suitcase and stopped the entire line.

When the bag passed through the X-ray unit on November 16, a Transportation Security Administration agent got a surprise: Inside were four paws and a cat’s tail.

“On the bright side, the cat is out of the bag.”A TSA spokesperson tweeted Tuesday.

The passenger was called back to the ticket counter after the cat was found, spokeswoman Lisa Farbstein said in an email.

“The passenger said the cat belonged to someone else in the house, and he didn’t know the cat was in the suitcase,” Farbstein said.

A picture of an orange hair sticking out of a suitcase.
A picture of an orange hair sticking out of a suitcase.

“We call it good catch!”, said. “Catch” combines the pun “catch” with “catch”.

A stowaway cat identified by the New York Post as “Smells” has been returned to its owner.

The cat’s owner told the Post that Smells must have slipped into the suitcase of a visiting friend. She didn’t know her tabby was missing until airport officials tracked her down.

Despite dealing with everything from unauthorized firearms to illegal cranberry sauce on a daily basis, “it’s rare to find a live animal in a checked bag,” TSA spokeswoman Lisa Farbstein told CNN. Luckily the cat didn’t try to run away when the case was opened.

(With information from AP)

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