East Africa News Post

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A new invitation to present research projects in legal sciences

A new invitation to present research projects in legal sciences

The Institute of Investigations and Legal Studies (InEJu) of the Judicial College of the Judiciary of Salta invites interested parties from all over the province to submit proposals for research projects.

Those wishing to enter and/or continue working in the field of research may submit proposals related to one or more of the following topic aspects: 1) “Judicial administration”, such as new technologies, resources, judicial times, oral, and indicators, among others; 2) “vulnerable groups”; 3) “Current Constitutional Issues.”

The proposal is addressed to judges and serving or retired civil servants; The professionals and administrative staff of the Central Judicial Districts, Tartagal, Oran, Matan, and Joaquín F. Distinguished professionals in their academic fields and students in the final year of their undergraduate careers who reside in the territory of the province.

Interested parties may submit their proposals as of August 15, 2023, in accordance with the principles of the InEJu regulations, and submit their work to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need to enable JavaScript to view it..

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