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Aprobado el nuevo marco de actuación para Enfermería en Radiología

A new framework for nursing work in radiology

Florentino Pérez Raya, President of the General Nursing Council.

The General Nursing Council (CGE), along with Spanish Society of Radiological Nursing (SEER), develop a document About framework nurse in the field of Care in x-rays. Details of each OffersAnd the Nursing Diagnosticsand interventions Nursing results in this range. The minimum training content that nurses must provide to provide this care with quality and safety are also specified.

‘Nurses in care in rays They work in both hospitals and nursing homes. Primary health careEither with adults or with pediatric patients. It is especially important that you cooperate with the MRI, as pediatric patients require sedation. Globally, her work is directed at diagnostic and treatment services by imaging, nuclear medicine, radiation oncology and brachytherapy, as well as All of these services When it is necessary to provide care related to them. Their presence is essential to provide specific nursing care in these areaslending a Health Care Quality and Excellence Florentino Perez RayaChairman of the General Nursing Council.

Currently, the nurses who were in possession of the ancient specialty rays s Electricity – Already canceled – They have been able to validate their training for the current specialty of nursing in medical-surgical care, pending development. In the absence of a regulated specialty, nurses are trained in these services Psychology method.

As he explains it Antonio Hernandez MartinezSEER Chair, “Expert Care Nurse rays Must be certified with specific and specialized training in radiation protection, choosing to do Operator courses or from facility supervisor For medical diagnostics or radioactive facilities, depending on the particular department, they are also required to periodically renew the corresponding accreditation licenses, but without common criteria.”

A framework developed by expert radiology nurses

The use of radiation is so generalized in the field of health that it is unreasonable to ignore its existence and its use. Bearing in mind that ionizing radiation not only has beneficial effects for the application but can also entail high risks to the health of the individual and society, “Radiation protection training is essential. Hence, this knowledge, endorsed by the operator’s course and recognized From before Nuclear Safety Council (CSN), must be included in the nursing degree training program,” adds the head 330 thousand nurses s Spanish nurses.

In the face of these shortcomings and to clarify and order the functions and care that must be performed by expert radiology nurses, the General Council of Nursing jointly prepared with SEER The nurse’s framework for radiological care. It explains in detail all nursing procedures, diagnoses, interventions and outcomes in this field. Knowledge is also Minimum content It is the training that nurses must provide this care with quality and safety.

Nursing needs giving Documentary support to the functions and activities that you perform and develop in the field of radiology, in order to evaluate the specific care that can only be provided by a nurse who is an expert in these highly relevant areas of activity. I can’t understand sick scans s Treatments related to radiology without the assistance of a qualified nurse”, confirms the SEER Head.

“Let us not forget that patients cared for in both radiology and diagnostic imaging services, as well as in nuclear medicine and radiation oncology, require advanced and specific care and only an experienced nurse can provide the quality and excellence of care they need,” he concludes. Perez Raya.

Although it may contain statements, statements or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend the reader to consult a health professional for any health-related questions.