The eternal dilemma of parents cartoon: How long can they look at drawings, how many days in a week, what drawings they can see and which ones are better than not, or if it is not a good idea to look at a lot of drawings, these are questions that many of them ask themselves.
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a tiktoker Share his trick for kids to watch cartoons and do it too Physical activity. For user @txsalth2o the trick is not to prevent kids from watching the animation but rather to condition it.
Tweet embed ## Parenting Tips ## SummerParent ## Fatherhood and Motherhood ## Kids exercises
In the video shared by the mother on the social network, she says: “I only leave my children watching cartoons if they are walking on the treadmill at the same time,” and adds: “Once my 11-year-old son traveled for about 26 kilometers ‘, he was judged by a video of one of his sons in the machine while he was looking at the drawings.
Many users of the social network were inspired by this idea and not only thanked, but also assured that they will try it for their children and that they will do it themselves to stay in shape while having fun a series Favorite.

Some users believe that this idea can be harmful to children
However, this measure has sparked controversy on TikTok, since many consider it necessary to leave children just children: “Why can’t children be children? Why do they have to walk 26 kilometers to watch TV?” The user indicated that this can cause shock and need treatment in the future.
The mother wanted to defend herself from the accusations by admitting that she wished her parents had done this to her, and that it was customary to start on her own when she was older and then pass it on to her children. In addition, he emphasized that his sons would love to do it: “If they hate it or it’s a problem, I won’t force them.”
Tweet embed Our kids never want to share – and now we can’t get them to stop talking! ## creativity ##Dinner time ## family dinner ## Kidzaddinner
The video spread on social networks, reached almost 3 million views and more than 200,000 “likes”. Since then, the tiktoker They are encouraged to share more tricks for the new parents, the latest of which is “How to Get Your Kids to Explain What They Did During the Day at Dinner Time,” revealing that they are at home playing truth or lie, which consists of explaining one thing that actually happened and another that is a lie and on to the rest of the family To guess what the truth is. A trick, says the mother, works well at home.
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