One of the biggest fears of many people is pregnancy proper nutrition, among others, because, as scientific studies indicate, when it is not appropriate, it can contribute to the development of various diseases.
(Read also: What carbohydrates should we consume, which ones should not, and when)
In fact, the foods we eat and their amounts have a huge impact on our health. However, for many, due to various factors, it is not easy and they can easily fall into a diet with many unsuitable foods but insufficient quantities of healthy foods.
Not to mention that there are so many today false “magic formulas” for weight loss, Extreme diets and all kinds of treatments and practices are supposed for better health.
But what to do next? A few months ago, in an interview with EL TIEMPO Health Unit, a nutritionist at the National University Nora Bayona Make it clear that no restrictive diet is beneficial per se, but rather Everyone needs an individual nutritional and nutritional study, based on its structural and metabolic characteristics, activity and needs, because any exercise without the support and monitoring of a nutritionist can be risky.
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Now, expert voices agree ت There are no “bad” foods, but unhealthy diets. In this sense, the key then is to follow a healthy diet, which is achieved mainly by constantly eating the right amount of food, not forgetting that every organism is different, as Bayona points out.
last september, Patricia Savino Lorida, a dietitian nutritionist from the University of Gafriana, member of the National Academy of Medicine and director of the Latin American Center for Nutrition (CELAN), published in this paper a series of practices for good nutrition during the epidemic.
(We recommend: Seven keys to good nutrition during a pandemic)
One of those, specifically, is healthy diet. To achieve this goal, Savino recommended the following:
“You have to start by staying hydrated (6 or 8 glasses of water per day) and avoiding sugary drinks. It is recommended to consume animal protein at least twice daily, including milk, eggs and low-fat derivatives; legumes (beans, peas, chickpeas) 4 or 5 Times a week, for their part, it is recommended to use flour and cereals such as potatoes, rice, bananas, cassava and bread from three to five servings per day, such as fruits and vegetables.
Vegetable oils should be preferred and fried foods should be reduced as much as possible. It is necessary to limit the consumption of sugars, sweets, as well as salt, especially at the most extreme ages. In the case of salt, 5 grams per day (a teaspoon) is enough. We should reduce alcohol consumption and remove ultra-processed foods from the diet, and make room for those prepared at home preferably using fresh ingredients.”
(what’s more: ‘Pandemic is not the time to try food’)
Nutrition experts explain it Eat enough foods from the main groups It forms the basis of the desired luxury. Therefore, when it comes to eating, you should take into account, for example, choosing a varied diet that includes foods from different groups, and maintaining an appropriate balance between these quantities and moderation in quantities.
However, doctors insist that any type of diet, especially if the goal is to lose weight, should be subject to it Ongoing supervision by a graduate nutritionist There is no digital influencer, fake expert, or even close person without the necessary experience to talk about this topic.
(remember: Myths and facts about food)
Added to all this is physical activity that should not be neglected. The World Health Organization (WHO) notes that To be physically fit, you must do at least 75 minutes of vigorous activity or 150 minutes of moderate activity.
“Silence reduces muscle mass and lowers the immune system response. Therefore, it is essential to exercise as much as the place you live in allows. You can go up and down stairs, or do resistance exercises with the same weight as your body weight. There is no excuse: even in the smallest Space can dance,” Savino said.

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