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A fifth grade student wins a science competition organized by Richmomd and Universum

A fifth grade student wins a science competition organized by Richmomd and Universum

With the project Discovery of enzymes in detergents, pineapples and meat tenderizers, Marisol Ferrez VergaraFrom the Asunción Mexico Institute in Mexico City, under the supervision of his professor Laura Cecilia Diaz Arielwon the competition Science fair Organized by Richmond Solution (a company specializing in creating educational content in English) and Universum, which includes a trip to Houston, Texas, to visit the Space Center of a potwith his parents and teacher.

More than 60 projects from fifth-year primary school children from bilingual schools from all over the country participated in the competition, ten of which reached Mexico City as finalists. Among these awards, evaluated by a jury of three scholars, eight were presented by girls and two by boys, from Mexico City, Coahuila, Jalisco, Nuevo León and Puebla.

The science fair, which just celebrated its second edition, aims to sue Promote the dissemination of science Among girls and boys, teachers and parents, in addition to promoting interest in the STEAM approach, with the aim of forming creative people who can face challenges with social responsibility, and citizens capable of interacting with different cultures, developing diverse values ​​and promoting cultural pluralism. . In addition, it aims to create a link between museums and schools to facilitate the transfer and practice of science at an early age.

he Jury The science fair, organized by Richmond and Universum, was composed of: Maria Emilia Bayer Ruizhost campus director, biologist and philosophy of science teacher from UNAM; Claudia Hernandez Garcia, Deputy Director of Universum, mathematician, Master of Philosophy of Science and specialist in museum project management from UNAM; And by Allen Guevara Villegas, a visual science communicator, specializes in cross-cultural communication about science and technology. She holds a Master’s degree in Philosophy of Science from UNAM.