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A Colombian national has been murdered while washing his clothes in the United States

A Colombian national has been murdered while washing his clothes in the United States

File photo. One of the suspects was caught.

Photo: AFP – AFP Agency

Jesús David, a Colombian immigrant living in the United States, was murdered by two assailants while washing his clothes at a Florida laundromat. One of the suspects was caught.

Jesus David, 33, came to America eight years ago and dedicated himself to painting houses and repairing floors. She had two children in Bogotá and was close to getting her immigration papers; His wife is an American citizen.

According to those close to the victim, the youth was washing his clothes when he noticed two men vandalizing his car outside the laundromat. He went outside to complain to them and the men immediately attacked him, one of the assailants stabbing him from behind.

Diana Garcia, the teenager's mother, said Caracal news Jesus tried to protect David's wife. “They also abused her, bit her and hit her a lot. I know about him,” he noted.

The men were apparently drunk.

According to police, when officers arrived at the scene, Jesus David was already dead. In addition, the victim was able to run into the laundry room, where the assailants wounded him again.

Now the mother is asking for help to bring the body back to her hometown. “I need help because I have to go there soon. He is my only son. Please help me to get a visa, I have to be with my son, I have to go through this whole process and I request the competent authorities to help me to get the visa and then send back my son's body. ,” the mother was quoted as saying Caracal news.

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