East Africa News Post

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EE.UU. expulsa en 13 días al triple de haitianos que en los últimos 7 meses

The United States expelled three times as many Haitians in 13 days than in the past seven months

Between September 19 and October 1, the U.S. Migration Services chartered 57 planes to evacuate 6,213 Haitian migrants from their territory, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

In those 13 days, almost three times as many U.S. officials returned to Haiti than in the previous seven-and-a-half months, and between February and mid-September 2021, 37 planes transferred 2,140 immigrants to their home country. An irregular situation.

A chart posted on IOM social networks gathered information that 36 of the last 57 flights had landed in Port-au-Prince with 4,298 passengers and a total of 1,915 migrants had been deported to Cape Haitian, a major northern city.

According to the latest data from the IOM, 52% of those evacuated were men, 26% women and 22% minors.

The U.S. government has received a number of criticisms for dealing with the migration crisis that erupted weeks ago as thousands of people, mostly Haitians, flock to the U.S.-Mexico border.

Juan Gonzalez, adviser to President Joe Biden on Latin America, and Brian Nicholas, deputy secretary of state for Western Hemisphere affairs, apologized to the Haitian people this Friday for their misconduct. Immigrants on the southern border of the country.

“In the tragic pictures of Haitian immigrants on our border: I want to say this is an injustice, it’s wrong. And I want to apologize to the Haitian people. It’s not how the border officials behave,” Gonzalez said.

The IOM, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights made the call this Thursday. Their basic human rights. ”