East Africa News Post

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El país tiene desde hace tiempo tecnología Pegasus

The country has always had Pegasus technology

Since 2011, the existence of the Pegasus program has been documented in Mexico, but during the administration of Enrique Peña Nieto its use reached scandalous levels.

In June 2017, The New York Times, Article 19, R3D, Social Tic and Citizen Lab identified the first targets of the espionage, among them activists, journalists and human rights defenders.

As part of this investigation, 25 victims were identified in Mexico. With Project Pegasus, today the number of potential espionage victims can be estimated in the thousands.
Since 2017, journalists and human rights organizations have submitted complaints to the then PGR, and they have opened an investigation that is now ongoing from the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic.

Aristegui Noticias posted that the program was at least in the hands of federal agencies such as the Attorney General’s Office, the Mexican Army, and the now-defunct Center for Research and National Security (CISEN). There is information that state governments have purchased similar equipment and software.

Since the publication of the #GobiernoEspía report, no federal authority has transparently used these programs or prosecuted those responsible for the illegal and illegal use of this type of system.

Project Pegasus is an international investigation that reveals for the first time the existence of more than 50,000 phone numbers chosen for the purpose of espionage by clients of the NSO Group, the world’s leading cyber-espionage company.

In the investigation, which was coordinated by the French investigative organization Forbidden Stories and Amnesty International, more than 80 journalists from around the world from 17 media and organisations, including Aristegui Noticias, participated.

The Washington Post, Le Monde, Sueddeutsche Zeitung, Die Zeit, The Guardian, Darage, Direct 36, Le Soir, Canac, Radio France, The Wire, Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, Haaretz, PBS Frontline, Aristegui Noticias y Proceso This international research.

The information presented here indicates the responsibility of dozens of governments and institutions that have used Pegasus against all kinds of leaders, leaders, journalists, activists, and human rights defenders, without acceptable justification, court orders, or any state reason.

During the investigation, it was documented that the regime’s operators targeted more than 500 diplomats, more than 1,200 officials, around 250 human rights defenders, and at least 180 journalists. Among the thousands of numbers recorded, at least 12 heads of state appear, whose numbers targeted the program’s clients while they held office in their countries.

During the investigation, it was not possible to find out how many of those thousands were spied on with Pegasus. Through forensic analysis, 37 cases of phones can be confirmed successfully infected with software created by NSO.

The Israeli company NSO Group has developed one of the most intrusive and effective espionage systems in the world. He created a program that, due to its effectiveness and scope, was obtained in dozens of countries, in different regions of the world.

Although the company claims that the software can only be used against criminal targets or those that threaten the security of countries, the truth is that today there is evidence of Pegasus being used without meeting the standards of the company that created it or the laws of the countries in which it operates.

The information allows us to know that those who used Pegasus are not only setting a person as their target, but also their family, friends, co-workers and everything related to the person who was spied on in the attack.

The revised data describes WFP’s operations from 2016 to date in 50 countries. Some countries have set dozens of goals and only a few exceed 1,000 incomes. India, for example, has exceeded 2,000 numbers entered and in Saudi Arabia the record is over 800.

Mexican case cooked. Compared to any of the other countries investigated, their records are significantly higher.

It is the nation that far exceeds the number of phones that have entered this world of information. More than 15,000 entries appear in the available data, which is a very high number next to those reported in other parts of the world. Much of the rest of the given numbers are in Middle Eastern countries, such as Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Yemen.

The use of spyware in Mexico can only be compared to that of the United Arab Emirates and Morocco, with more than 10,000 targets each. Rwanda appears in distant third place with over 3,500, while Bahrain has nearly 3,000. In the case of Europe, a thousand French numbers and figures for at least two media moguls have been reported in Hungary.