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What will be the consequences on this planet?

What will be the consequences on this planet?

Since its inception, our planet has maintained an almost constant rhythm in its rotation around its axis. However, a recent scientific discovery revealed a subtle but important change: land It spins more and more slowly. This gradual slowdown could have unforeseen consequences for our planet and all life forms that inhabit it, to the point that days could reach 25 hours in millions of years.

Researchers in Technical University of MunichUsing cutting-edge technology, he discovered that the length of an Earth day is gradually increasing. Thanks to high-precision lasers, capable of measuring the slightest changes in the Earth’s rotation, scientists have been able to determine that our planet is rotating increasingly slowly. Although this change is almost imperceptible on human time scales, it can have a significant impact over millions of years.

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Why does this phenomenon occur?

The reasons for this slowdown are multiple and complex. Among the influencing factors are:

  • Interaction with the moon: Gravity between the Earth and the Moon causes tides, which in turn generate friction that slows the Earth’s rotation.

  • Internal movements of the planet: Geological processes occurring within the Earth, such as the movement of tectonic plates and changes in mass distribution, also affect the speed of rotation.
  • Impact of large objects: Throughout Earth’s history, the impact of asteroids and comets has been able to change its rotation speed.

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Consequences of a longer day

The implications of a 25-hour day can be wide-ranging and impact different aspects of our lives and our planet. Some possible effects include:

  • Changes in weather patterns: The length of the day affects the distribution of sunlight and temperatures on the Earth’s surface. A longer day could change weather patterns and have unpredictable consequences for the global climate.
  • Impacts on wildlife: Living organisms, from plants to animals, have evolved by adapting to cycles of light and dark. A change in day length can alter these cycles and affect reproduction, migration and other behaviors of many species.
  • Modifications in forecasting models: Scientists use mathematical models to predict natural phenomena such as tides and seasons. Changes in the Earth’s rotation speed require adjustments to these models.

  • Implications for astronomy: Astronomy depends on careful observations of celestial bodies. A longer day can affect how astronomers make their observations and require adjustments to instruments and calculations.

When will we see 25 hour days?

According to current estimates, this change will take hundreds of millions of years to occur. It is important to remember that the length of the day is… land It is not constant and changes throughout its history. In the past, days were shorter, and they are likely to continue to change in the future.