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“I thought I had friends there”; Eugenio Derbez breaks silence after leaving Televisa | Video

“I thought I had friends there”; Eugenio Derbez breaks silence after leaving Televisa | Video

Photos: Getty Images Quartoscuro

Eugenio Derbez formally submitted Tractor to They arrived at nighta comedy produced by the platform Fix Which will arrive in your catalog on October 4. The film not only marks the actor’s return to Spanish-language comedy, but also a rapprochement with Televisa, a company that has exercised veto power over his career for several years.

In this context, Imagen Televisión broadcast for the first time the interview conducted by Eugenio Derbez with journalist Gustavo Adolfo Infante for the program. “The minute that changed my destiny without supervision.”During the conversation, the actor, who was recently at the White House as part of the Hispanic Heritage Celebration, spoke about his separation from the company he called his home.

Eugenio Derbez breaks silence on his departure and subsequent denunciation of Televisa Credit: Imagen Televisión / YouTube

In July, Eugenio Derbez was awarded “Legend of the Year” at the 2024 Aura Awards. During his speech, he threw some arrows at Emilio Azcarragapresident of Grupo Televisa, the company where the actor began his career in television shows. Annabelle, As a family with Shabelo and Kashon Kashun ra ra!

Derbez played on words between the Aura and Emilio Azcárraga awards, to mock the dominance that Televisa had on television for decades. “In Mexico there were only TVyNovelas, which were the Emi and Emilio awards.”He expressed that. His joke raised interest in knowing the reasons that caused the dispute between the actor and the businessman.

Infante questioned Derbez on the subject. True to his style, the actor spoke sarcastically about the impact of the veto that Televisa imposed on him for several years on his career. “I’m very worried, I don’t sleep.”

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Later, he admitted that he did not understand how the conflict with the television station that his mother, Silvia Derbez, had founded had arisen: “Televisa was my home, it was my everything. There I started my career, there I developed as a comedian. I grew up in the corridors with my mother and suddenly, I no longer understood. If you ask me what the reason is, I don’t understand. I know that if you noticed, the last things I did I would not promote them in Televisa programs, I came to Imagen, I came to TV Azteca, but not there.

Derbez, who after producing successful programs To law and duty, Darbiz in when and The B.Lucci family He immigrated to the United States to establish himself in Hollywood, and expressed regret for the separation, but stressed that he had accepted this reality for a long time. “They don’t need me and I don’t need them, each on his own. It makes me sad because this was my home, and I thought I had friends there, but that’s life.”.

At the insistence of Gustavo Adolfo Infante, Eugenio Derbez recalled an anecdote that could have been the origin of his breakup with Televisa. According to Derbez, the honest opinion changed his relationship with businessman Emilio Azcárraga Jean.

“Someone interviewed me, and someone asked me how I felt being a Televisa star. I said: Look, this is a business. They will love me as long as I give results, and the day I stop giving results, this will be over. They sent me to call the offices to complain. I said: ‘Sorry, I love you very much, but it’s the truth.’” Derbez expressed this, stating that he received a phone call from Emilio Azcárraga Jean, who rebuked him for describing their friendship as merely a business relationship.

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Eugenio Derbez’s statements come only when Fixcontent platform Current Associated with TelevisaUnivision premieres the actor’s new film. The feature film has even been mentioned in the highest-rated program on the TV station, The famous Mexican house. where its residents created the choreography as part of one of the challenges created by the production.

So far, it is uncertain whether these new expressions can contribute to calming the relationship that seemed set to resume after many years.

Eugenio Derbez vs Emilio Azcárraga: This was it
Eugenio Derbez vs Emilio Azcárraga: this was the “tiradera” that was revived after being mocked by TVyNovelas on Televisa (Photos: Televisa/ Instagram)