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Lily Stephen gives her opinion on the situation of William Levy and Elizabeth Gutierrez.

Lily Stephen gives her opinion on the situation of William Levy and Elizabeth Gutierrez.

One of the most frequently asked questions in recent days is about William Levy and Elizabeth GutierrezAre they back together?

Doubts arose when the photographer Jordi Martin The actress and hostess has been spotted leaving the family home these days. And while the answer seems to be no and the rapprochement is more temporary than anything else while Levy is in Europe filming, many are suggesting that this is the beginning of a possible reconciliation.

At the moment this is not the case, but if it is and they decide to come back, Lily Stephen He expressed his view on this issue in his program, Fat and skinny.

Elizabeth: (Photo by John Parra/Getty Images) William: (Photo by Rodrigo Varela/Getty Images for Venue Magazine)

She has been friends with the ex-couple for many years, and she had no problem expressing her opinion. Although many people do not understand this coming and going, she does not agree with it.

“I would be the happiest, before you say more, I would be the happiest to see them together again,” she said forcefully and I hoped that was the case.

“He always spoke to me with great affection about the mother of his children, she is a great lady,” the Spanish photographer added of the Cuban actor, whom he knows and admires. “I think you are a great father and a great man.”

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The photographer confirmed that they are “not” together romantically and that Elizabeth is at the family home to accompany her children while William is away. “Hence the pictures of Elizabeth coming and going.” If there is a happy ending, only time will tell. Friendly, yes.

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