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They called Enrique Chenac the important entity that makes up the university – El Marplatense

They called Enrique Chenac the important entity that makes up the university – El Marplatense

the National University of Mar del Plata Praise the doctor Enrique Jorge Chenac With his name imposed on him Institute of Coastal and Quaternary Geology (IGCC) from Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences (FCEyN) and a member of Scientific Research Center (CIC) in Buenos Aires Province.

The event took place in First of all, Magna Maria del Carmen Maggie In the presence of the university president Alfredo LazzerettiMinister of Science and Technology, Diego RodriguezDirector of the Center, Daniel MartinezVice President of CIC, Diana SuarezDean of FCEyN, Sandra ObinatIn addition, family members, former colleagues and friends of Schnack came to share their experiences.

Regarding this appointment, Martinez highlighted the work of the institute. Which currently includes 45 researchers working on different projects. “This initiative has mobilized us. I don’t think we have done anything together. I am the first director I have not worked with and that is why it is important that his name is present and his story is known,” he added.

For her part, Obenath, who was a student and then a Schnauck Scholar, dedicated her words to remembering the person who went beyond her professional side: “He was the first person to invite many biologists to work with us, which led to a very big change..It also speaks of his quality as a human being, generous, simple and with the intellectual quality to change our minds and make us work in multiple fields.

In addition to his work within the university, “Eni,” as he was known internally, had a strong relationship with the CIC throughout his career. “It is encouraging to work for the province of Buenos Aires, as the science designed for the region has the potential to meet the challenges of development. At this very moment, we must make it clear that the path to improvement is science, technology and education.Suarez argued.

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As part of the event, Dr. Marcelo Zarate, a natural sciences professor, shared his work with Schnack, an occasion that There was more intimate information known, especially regarding his daily life in the investigation. The ways they implement teamwork and their ability to see beyond it to create new ways when it comes to bonding.

The plaque was then discovered next to the new logo of the Institute of Coastal and Quaternary Geology, which also included the name of its founder 46 years earlier, on June 16, 1978. At this time, It was his son Mariano Chak who also remembered his father from a more personal side. But with the clarification that his research life was present in every field of his fields.

Source: Portaluniversidad.org.ar