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CaixaBank promotes a healthy lifestyle among its employees through a comprehensive health platform

CaixaBank promotes a healthy lifestyle among its employees through a comprehensive health platform

As part of its ongoing commitment to the well-being of its employees, Caixa Bank Another step taken in implementation com.wellhuba comprehensive platform that promotes physical, mental and emotional health. Since the inception of the alliance with com.wellhubIn September 2023, Group employees Caixa Bank They and their families have shown a high level of commitment to this initiative.

com.wellhub (Formerly called Gympass) Provides access to over 2,800 physical locations and 34 health care apps. So that each employee can find the option that best suits their needs and personal preferences. In addition, the platform has been a key factor in fostering a culture of well-being within the company.

In total, more than 4,800 employees and nearly 1,000 family members of the Group’s workers actively participated in the programme during its first months of operation, visiting 1,110 different centres in 230 cities across Spain and registering nearly 17,000 Check-ins Every month in gyms and apps From well-being.

This initiative to promote a healthy and active lifestyle is part of the World Health Organization’s We Are Healthy programme. Caixa Bankwhich has had a significant impact on the quality of life of its employees.

Promote the well-being of employees and their families

The entity promotes workplace well-being and com.wellhub It is an example of this vision and dedication to creating a healthy and productive work environment. Through this initiative, the entity works to enhance the well-being of employees and their families, not only through physical activity, but also through MindTherapy sessions, proper nutrition and better sleep management. The most used apps were Strava, regarding physical exercise; Sleep Cycle and Meditopia, regarding emotional well-being, and Nootric at the nutritional level. Regarding personal activities, the most popular are the VivaGym, O2 Centro Wellness, TRIB3 and YO10 Sport Club centers, which offer activities such as functional training, Crossfit Yoga and more.

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During the summer, Caixa Bank It encouraged its employees to take care of their well-being through a variety of activities, including personal training via video call, personalized nutrition plans, therapy sessions and Mindamong other things. These initiatives reflect the importance the entity attaches to comprehensive care for its employees throughout the year.

We Are Healthy Program

The Transversal and Integrative Health Organization Project is a strategy based on culture and values. Caixa Bank Focuses on the well-being of the teams. The Group’s commitment to promoting healthy and hygienic habits that improve the quality of life of the entity’s employees and their family environment, as well as customers, shareholders, investors, suppliers, the local community and society in general, is confirmed.

Caixa Bank It has a comprehensive vision of well-being and health based on six pillars: Prevention and promotion of health and safety, emotional well-being, physical activity and sport, healthy eating, environment – workplace adaptation – and financial well-being. In addition, it has implemented a healthy organizational management system that focuses on continuous improvement, allowing it to advance in terms of well-being and health to meet current and future challenges.

commitment Caixa Bank The well-being of its workers has been recognized through numerous certifications and awards. AENOR and Audelco have audited and certified the Management Systems of Health Organizations (SIGOS) and Occupational Health and Safety (ISO 45001). To achieve this, the entity has passed the corresponding internal and external audits in which compliance with the requirements of each reference was objectively verified.