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These Are The Currencies That Can Make You A Millionaire

These Are The Currencies That Can Make You A Millionaire

Old Coins. / Pixabay

If there is one hobby that has millions of followers, it is numismatics, the study or collection of coins, banknotes, notes or medals.

by Spanish

The thing is, for example, there are those whose value has multiplied so much that they have been paid up to more than $150,000.

This is what happened with the cent coin issued by Germany in 2002. All because of the use of a different material than usual in its manufacture.

What are the most valuable currencies in the world?

If we choose five of them, we will find the Brasher Doubloon of 1787. It was minted that year in the United States, at that time the country did not yet have a mint, and the work was carried out by private businessmen from various colonies. One of them was Brasher, who forged this doubloon in New York. A huge sum of 3,893,000 euros was paid for one copy.

Next in line will be the 1794 Flowing Hair one dollar coin (issued by Lord Oswald-Hayes-Bogue). In this case, the United States already had its own mint. That’s why, at an auction in New York, it was paid 4.2 million euros.

The figure rises even higher if we talk about the Umayyad gold dinar: 5.1 million euros. It was minted in Damascus, no more and no less than it was in 723. Made of gold, it originated in a gold mine owned by the city’s caliph.

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