East Africa News Post

Complete News World

Líderes evangélicos exhortan a desterrar mitos sobre vacuna

Evangelical leaders insist on avoiding myths about the vaccine

Leaders of the country’s evangelical community’s leading representative bodies reaffirmed Christian commitment to the fight against the Govt-19 epidemic, while calling on the people to reject myths and unsubstantiated doctrines and to block available vaccines.

They said it would reduce the chance of being infected by a higher percentage and thus reduce the damage they could do if they were infected with the virus.

Juan Carlos Rameres, Director of World Vision in the Dominican Republic, opened the virtual meeting and highlighted the importance of presenting the views of the leaders of the country’s major evangelical organizations at a time when unity of criteria is needed to successfully deal with disaster. That this infection occurs.

Jose Tunker said in his statement that the statistics on the progress made by vaccination in countries such as the United States, Israel and the United Kingdom are, among other things, sufficient to dispel existing myths. Discussed to stop efforts to combat infection by vaccination. “We are fighting against many myths, including the misconception of population reduction, the causes and effects on DNA, the change in sexual orientation and the excuse that vaccines carry a chip,” he said.

Called to be vaccinated
Panel viral.

Feliciano Leson, from Cody; Narcissus Bork, from the Conversation Table; Lorenzo Motta King, social worker; Jose Duarte of Gonado; Moro Vargas, of the Church of God; Adolfo Mateo, from Gonacop.