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No under-30s: Controversial restriction by restaurant that wants to be “sophisticated”.

No under-30s: Controversial restriction by restaurant that wants to be “sophisticated”.

Marvin Pate, owner of Bliss Restaurant, defends the age policy and says he’s looking for a sophisticated audience (Bliss Restaurant Facebook)

A restaurant in Missouri has attracted the attention of the entire United States, not for its food, but for an unusual age policy for its customers. Bliss RestaurantA luxury establishment serving Caribbean cuisine FlorissantSt. The suburb of Louis, which opened its doors in mid-May, has already caused controversy: women must be at least 30 and men 35 to enter.

This move is mainly adopted to create a more mature and peaceful environment. “The restaurant is for older people to come and have a good time and enjoy good food and not have to worry about some young people bringing trouble,” commented the administrative assistant. Erica Rhodes to do KSTKAffiliate Network NBC Inside St. Louis.

Owner Bliss, Marvin Bade36 years old, explained KSTK Those who have received some criticism but are determined to maintain their principles. Guests under the age of 30 must show their ID to the hostess at the door or a St. Louis County Police Officer after 7pm Wednesday through Sunday.

New York Post The move has generated an avalanche of negative criticism on sites like Yelp And GoogleBut many opinions stand out on local social networks.

“I’m 33, does that mean I can’t eat here?” asked a user on Facebook. “Imagine being a 32-year-old man, mature, respectful, polite, but too young to eat somewhere,” said another.

“They have a policy of adapting to the customers they’re trying to attract, and being 65 years old, I think they’re on the right track,” said Fernando Smith, a consumer who visited the restaurant.

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“I love the age requirements. Please keep it. Don’t change it, many places have had age requirements in the past. I’m glad someone finally took it back and protected their business, I support them,” wrote another diner in support. These types of statements Backing up his statements was that the pad was well received by his frequent customers.

Satisfied Customers Appreciate Bliss Restaurant’s Ambiance and Food, Its Age Restrictions (Bliss Restaurant)

People highlighted it in a recent publication Facebook, the restaurant explained the reasoning behind their policy and reiterated that they only accept customers who meet the age guidelines. “This policy is in place to ensure a mature, sophisticated and safe food environment for all,” Bliss concluded in his statement.

restaurant chef, Alex DixonAll chefs pointed out that from Jamaica Food and cocktails are inspired by Caribbean cuisine. In that sense, he said, steps should be taken to make the place a relaxing experience. “Here, you can feel like you are at a resort. “People will feel like they’re on vacation,” he said KSTK.

Rhodes has made it clear that there are no plans to change the rules in the near future. “I would tell young people to come and support the business once they are 30 or 35, because we will be here for the long haul,” he concluded.