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The Vatican rejected Ukraine’s use of NATO weapons to attack Russian territory: “This could lead to an uncontrolled escalation.”

The Vatican rejected Ukraine’s use of NATO weapons to attack Russian territory: “This could lead to an uncontrolled escalation.”

Cardinal Pietro Parolin (Reuters/Remo Caselli/Archive)

Cardinal Secretary of State of the Vatican Pietro Parolin, Warn this Thursday An “uncontrolled escalation” would involve the use of weapons supplied directly by the countries that make up NATO in Russia.

“I think the matter should concern anyone who cares about the fate of our world. This could lead to an escalation that no one will be able to control: it is a truly disturbing possibility,” he said in response to journalists’ questions within the framework of an event in Milan (northern Italy).

Parolin’s statements come after the statements of the Secretary-General of NATO. Jens Stoltenbergwas displayed In favor of delegation of Ukraine Using Western weapons to attack Russian territory.

He added: “We are committed on the humanitarian level, especially with regard to the issue of the return of Ukrainian children to their country, which is the mechanism that began with the cardinal’s visit.” Matteo Zupi To Kyiv and Moscow, which gives results. “There is no room for anything else,” he added.

Parolin is scheduled to travel to Ukraine next July 21 Representing the Pope at the closing celebration of the Ukrainian Catholic Pilgrimage of the Latin Rite, which will be held at the Marian shrine in Berdichev.

The Vatican’s foreign minister has already said that it would be a “terrible thing” to send NATO forces to fight in Ukraine.

For his part, the Polish Deputy Minister of Defense said, Cezary TomczykShe stressed on Wednesday that Ukraine was free to use weapons it received from Poland on Russian territory, and urged other allied countries to allow the same with weapons supplied by Kiev.

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In statements to the Polish radio station oil radio, Tomczyk stressed this “Ukraine has the right to fight and defend itself as it sees fit.”And I remembered that “There are no restrictions regarding their use of the Polish weapons we sent them.”

The Deputy Minister called “Western countries lift their restrictions” In this regard, it is an issue that he admitted is “complex” because it involves “multiple problems.”

Parolin’s considerations come after NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg was in favor of allowing Ukraine to use Western weapons to attack Russian territory (Reuters/Thomas Peter/File Photo)

These statements come the day after the French President’s statements. Emmanuel MacronHe said the Ukrainians should be allowed to neutralize Russian bases from which missiles are fired at them, although he specified that they should not be able to strike civilian facilities and other military targets.

For this part, Germany had indicated the previous day that the use was “always within the framework of international law.” Which, according to Berlin, Ukraine should make from weapons it receives from that country.

On the other hand, a Pentagon spokesman said. John Kirby He pointed out that the United States does not advise Kiev to carry out attacks inside Russia with American weapons.

British Foreign Minister, David CameronHe stated earlier this month that while Russia attacks Ukraine on its own territory, one can fully understand why Ukraine feels the need to defend itself, even with attacks directed against Russian territory.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian Pres Volodymyr Zelensky We will attend June 6 To commemorate in France His French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron, announced today, Tuesday, during a state visit to Germany, the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings.

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“I will have the opportunity, when President Zelenskyy visits France on D-Day next week, to receive her at that time “We express to you very precisely what we will do” to continue to support UkraineMacron said during a press conference in Germany with Prime Minister Olaf Scholz.

He added in response to a question about the possibility of sending French military trainers to Ukraine, which Russia invaded in February 2022: “I will not comment on what were uncoordinated and unfortunate contacts.”

Russian President, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Europe threatened “severe consequences” if NATO countries allowed Ukraine to use Western weapons against targets on Russian territory.

“Representatives of NATO countries, especially in Europe, and especially in small countries, must be aware of what they are playing at. They should remember that, as a general rule, these countries have small territories but a high population density.Putin said in a press conference at the conclusion of his visit to Uzbekistan on Tuesday.

Putin stressed that “this factor is what they should take into consideration before talking about launching attacks against the interior regions of Russian territory.”

He added: “This continued escalation could have serious consequences, and if Europe feels these dangerous consequences, how will the United States react?”said Putin, who hinted at nuclear parity between the two superpowers.

he added: “Do they want a global conflict?”

(With information from EFE and EP)