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Ortega attacks Humberto Ortega and declares him a “traitor to the country”

Ortega attacks Humberto Ortega and declares him a “traitor to the country”

Dictator Daniel Ortega, on Tuesday, referred his brother Humberto Ortega Saavedra, the former commander of the Nicaraguan army, and accused him of treason and an act of surrender and national disgrace, through a decree in which he canceled the award to Camilo of the “Ortega Saavedra Medal” in appreciation of Lieutenant Colonel Quinn, head of the attaché’s office. Military Service to the United States Government in Managua, awarded in 1992.

On January 14, 1992, when Humberto Ortega was army commander, he introduced the recognition because he knew how to “foster the patterns of dignified, mutually respectful and civilized relations that we Nicaraguans have historically sought with the people.” The United States, according to the official statement of the Sandinista Popular Army.

“In the neoliberal government, they put their own defense minister, who is an enemy of the people and the army itself. But he had a very good relationship with the army commander at the time (Humberto Ortega), who committed the act of awarding the Gold Medal of Valor (Camilo Ortega) to the military delegate of the American government in Nicaragua. Give the Yankees’ Camilo Ortega the gold medal. “What a shame, a betrayal of the people and the country,” Ortega said at a ceremony commemorating the 45th anniversary of the start of the final offensive against the dictatorship of Anastasio Somoza.

Dictator Ortega described the awarding of the medal by Humberto Ortega, who did not mention his name, as “unreasonable,” “betrayal of the homeland,” and “a national disgrace,” and merely referred to him as “the then army commander.” .

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Read also: The dictatorship confirms the imprisonment of Humberto Ortega Saavedra

“Of course, at that moment, the army commander had given his soul to the devil,” the dictator added during the event, which saw a strong participation from members of the Nicaraguan army and cadets from the National Police Academy, to show support. From both institutions of the system.

“National disgrace”

“This unconscionable act is classified as a national disgrace. “This clearly constitutes an act of surrender and betrayal of the country,” the decree states, adding: “I nullify, nullify and withdraw this disgrace that offends honorable Nicaraguans.”

In Nicaragua, those considered “traitors to the country” are arrested, stripped of their citizenship and exiled, as happened with 222 political prisoners expelled by the dictatorship on February 9, 2023, and 94 Nicaraguans who had their citizenship revoked on February 9, 2023. February 15 of the same year.

The dictatorship confiscated the property of so-called traitors.

The ceremony witnessed a strong presence from the army and police. Photo: Presidency.

You may be interested in: The police surround Humberto Ortega’s house, strip him of computers and phones, and summon him for an interview

On January 19, the National Assembly, in the service of the dictatorship, approved a constitutional reform of Article 21 of the Magna Carta which states that “traitors to the fatherland shall lose their status as Nicaraguan citizens.”

Humberto Ortega at his home in prison

On May 21 of this year, the police of Daniel Ortega’s dictatorship confirmed the prison sentence of retired General Humberto Ortega, after he gave an interview to the media Infobay in which he criticized his brother, the dictator Daniel Ortega.

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The dictatorship police surrounded the retired general’s residence on the night of Sunday, May 19, on Masaya Road, stripping him of mobile phones and computers, and he himself was able to contact LA PRENSA via nearby third parties.

Early Monday, the former army commander and brother of the dictator had to come to the police offices in Plaza El Sol, Managua, for an interview with Commissioner General Horacio Rocha, the minister and advisor to the president for security affairs since December 2022. .

Then on May 21, the dictatorship issued a statement stating that a medical unit was caring for the retired general at his home, confirming that the home was a prison because Humberto Ortega was receiving treatment in a private hospital in the capital.