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Hidalgo Conference supports access to science and technology – El Sol de Hidalgo

Hidalgo Conference supports access to science and technology – El Sol de Hidalgo

Access to Science and Technology in Hidalgo was one of the initiatives unanimously approved during the regular session of the LXV Legislature, which will help people exercise their right to enjoy the benefits of technological innovation, said Representative Marcia Torres Gonzalez of the State Congress.

On the agenda, the initiative was presented with a draft decree promulgating the Law on Humanities, Science, Technology and Innovation for the State of Hidalgo, to determine the obligation of the legislative authorities of federal entities and to issue the necessary legal provisions to harmonize the legal framework and regulate the powers of local authorities, with the aim of citizens benefiting from the development of science.

He pointed out that to achieve this goal, municipalities and state authorities must implement public policies to implement, promote and support training, research, dissemination, dissemination and development of projects in this field.

Therefore, the State must approve and disseminate the State Program through the Council of Science, Technology, Innovation and Humanities of Hidalgo (CITNOVA) and thus support humanistic or scientific research activities.

During the period of 180 days, as of the entry into force of this Decree, the Council for Science, Technology, Innovation and Humanities of Hidalgo will issue the regulatory and administrative provisions referred to in this legal order, as well as those necessary for full compliance, in accordance with its content.

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