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These are the South American countries that will be able to see meteor showers on April 21 – Enséñame de Ciencia

These are the South American countries that will be able to see meteor showers on April 21 – Enséñame de Ciencia

April 2024 never ceases to amaze us with the number of unusual astronomical phenomena it has in store for us.

On this occasion, we will tell you about the upcoming meteor shower, which will light up the dark night of some South American countries and fill us with unforgettable memories of how great our universe is. So don't go far and keep reading all the details of this wonderful cosmic event.

This is the Lyra meteor shower, a unique event to observe the beauty of the stars in this month of April 2024, from the northern hemisphere to the south of the equator, which, according to experts, will enable us to visualize an environment far from the city, without light pollution, where we can see 10 to 20 meteors per hour.

Lyres are among the oldest rains ever observed, dating back nearly 2,700 years, and the Chinese were the first to record seeing this cosmic phenomenon, which usually occurs every year in April.

according to a potLyridians are known for their fast and bright meteors, which can sometimes surprise observers with up to 100 meteors per hour. In general, 10 to 20 Lyrid meteors per hour can be seen during its peak.

It is also mentioned that Guitars These are pieces of space debris originating from comet C/1861 G1 Thatcher, and during its passage through cosmic space, only the size of a grain of sand remains, which passes through the Earth’s atmosphere at a speed of 49 kilometers per second, where it will disintegrate and form rays of light.

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Material or physical Alberto QuijanoMember of the American Astronomical Society And founder Nariño University Astronomical Observatorystates that “The best time to see lyres anywhere is after midnight and you don't need any specialized equipment, just clear skies away from light pollution.“.

Image credits: NASA/NASA

On the other hand, the International Meteorological Organization I posted that this is great It happened It can be seen in its utmost splendor and brilliance during the late night of April 21 and the early morning of April 22, when it reaches its peak at 7:00 am GMT.

Therefore, this meteor shower will begin to be seen in the following South American countries at the following times:

– 4:00 am in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Chile.

– 3:00 am Bolivia time.

– 2:00 am in Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela and Colombia.

– 1:00 AM in Mexico.

One drawback of observing this meteor shower is that it will occur during a full moon, which will be about 98% bright, so some meteors may go unnoticed. It is recommended to block the moonlight with the help of trees to obtain greater visibility.

Among the recommendations provided by NASA to observe this great astronomical phenomenon is to wear warm clothes, sit in a reclining chair, or lie on the ground on a thick blanket and look at the sky at all times, as meteors can appear from anywhere in the world. The sky near the constellation Lyra.

Likewise, NASA states that April 22 is “International Earth Day,” so observing this phenomenon could be an ideal opportunity to reflect on our lives on this planet.