Each person has his own color because it represents peace and harmony. It can be red, pink, fuchsia, yellow, purple, blue, black, brown, dark green or dark blue. In the coming days, WhatsApp will completely change the tone of your conversations so you can enjoy a new way to express how you feel with all your friends.. While we wait for that to arrive, I'll give you a free and simple trick to try on your Android device today. This is the option to activate “Beige Mode” How is it implemented? What requirements must I meet? He only has one device in his hand. Of course, I do not recommend downloading applications that act as mods, because they can harm your equipment.
How to activate “Beige Mode” in WhatsApp
- The first step will be to log into your favorite browser and Find the image of the beige WhatsApp icon.
- Try to make it in Transparent and PNG format for good results.
- Also make sure to save this to your gallery.
- Once this is done, Touch The second step is to download the Nova Launcher app on your Android device.
- You can use this Link for better result.
- Open it and you will see that you can completely customize the home screen of your smartphone: Icons, apps, search bar, light or dark mode, etc..
- When you are accepted, go to Settings, applications and default applications.
- Go to launcher option and Change the personalization layer of your cell phone to Nova Launcher.
- now Place the WhatsApp icon on the front page of your cell phone. Click on it and a nice menu will appear..
- Click where it says “Edit”, then tap on the app logo again, choose the Apps, Photos option and choose the image you downloaded previously.
- Select its size and then you should click on “Done”.
- however You will now have a “Beige Mode” on WhatsApp so you can show it to all your friends.
Here I am sharing some tricks to change WhatsApp icon colors
I recommend this WhatsApp video
WhatsApp: How to send photos and videos without losing quality
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