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College of Science finds new species of spiders in the UPM protected area

College of Science finds new species of spiders in the UPM protected area

Researchers and students from the College of Science discovered new types of spiders The first study was conducted in Esteros and Algarrobales on the Uruguay River, a protected area managed by UPM, the company said.

In 2022, a faculty group at the University of the Republic implemented the project in a specific environment in the Río Negro region: Blancinalis with Chaco influence.

“In just two sampling campaigns, five priority species for conservation were recorded. The family Prodidomidae was recorded for the first time and seven new species were recorded in the country. “One of them belongs to the aforementioned family,” the UPM statement said.

Damian Hagopian

Tricongius mutilatus (Prodidomidae)

“The results were surprising A composition of species that are rare or absent in other parts of the country and associated with the Chaco and Alto Paraná Forest, Argentina” It keeps moving forward.

The company highlighted this “Environmental conditionsEspecially the type of vegetation and land use, It largely determines the species composition The large number of spider communities in a site, so this group “It's a good indicator of their environmental conditions.”

Specifically, “eight guilds, 32 families, and 172 species/forms of spiders” were recorded. I know too The first list of spider species was created for the Esteros and Algarrobales protected area of ​​the Uruguay River The families with the highest species richness were Salticidae (20), Araneidae (14) and Theridiidae (10) species, respectively.”

Florence Rocha

Variegated Cyclosa (Araneidae)

The results are displayed At the Uruguay Zoological Congress Which took place in December at the College of Science.

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It was the project Funded By the Student Research Support Program (PAIE) of the Sectoral Commission for Scientific Research (CSIC-Udelar).

On the other hand, the statement notes that “in recent years, Studies have increased to characterize the araneofaunaIn different environments, ecological zones and land uses, resulting in Registered several new varieties for UruguayAnd also new types of science.”

Moreover, it indicates that “The ecology of Blancinales in western Uruguay, With the infamous Chaco effect It has not been studied in terms of characterization of the spider community, That's why it's interesting to start with this characterization.”

National Environmental Observatory – Ministry of Environment

Esteros and Algarrobales in the Uruguay River

Remember that too The Esteros and Algarrobales of the Uruguay River are part of the National System of Protected Areas (SNAP).